Ahhhhhhh..... oh yeah. There is only one true, delicious way to get caffeine and sugar laced blood running through the veins!!! And I indulged. BRRRRRRR!! I think my body is succumbing to age. I'm cold at 43°!! When did that happen!? Soon I'll be wearing sweaters in summer. *heavy sigh* It is so beautiful out and around the Front Porch. I had visitors! But I didn't get any pictures. They wouldn't pose for me. Delightful visitors nonetheless! First was the Wee Tiny Chippy. He shot like a bullet, with his tail bushed out and sticking straight up, into the woods across the street. From there he barked at me the entire time I was out. Next was a Red Squirrel. Tiny lil' guy!! I'm talking dinky. Anyway, Red shot from across the street to within five feet before finally spotting me in his path, came to a screeching halt and froze. I was lifting my camera for a picture when he came to his senses and bolted like lightning back where he came from. Every hair on his body was sticking straight out! Kinda like he was going for a full body Sid Vicious hair style in red. Cute!! Then there was a mouthy Bluejay. He quite loudly screeched his opinion regarding my presence in the yard. Rather negatively, I might add. I must have interrupted his breakfast. Blue was oh so pretty and looking mighty fine with his mohawk. I'm done here. A good one to ya Travelers! Feeling pressed for time even tho I'm not. What's up with that!?