Monday, September 19, 2016

That Would Be Yesterday

Good 1 o'clock in the morning from the inside of the house with the Front Porch. A rare occasion, when I cannot sleep. I learned quickly how pointless it is to lay in bed. I read a book, did a load of laundry and now... no one wants to know any of this... I don't want to know any of this! Moving on. A baby Chippy visited the Back Porch today! Wait. Technically that would be yesterday. I caught a fleeting glimpse of him a couple of days ago when he shot under the Front Porch as I was leaving for work. And then today... no, it was yesterday... ok, a few hours ago, I walked over to the glass doors and there he sat, purdy as a picture! Considering my camera was having to focus on the lil' guy thru the glass, the picture's not half bad. Proof positive that we had a guest of the delightful rodent persuasion today!! No. That would be yesterday. What a wee tiny cutie!!
*YAWN*... hey! the yawning has begun. Bed time. Have a good night, my dear ones. May you be forever blessed with restful sleep. Love and Happiness to you!