Monday, September 12, 2016

A Bit Mouthy Today

Robin Hunting Bugs. My weather pic for the day. A blurry screenshot. Whatever works, right? Talk about an Autumn day!! 3 days ago it hit 90°. Yesterday we had a 69° early morning that had me sweating. And today we have a 44° morning that has me shivering. I DON'T shiver at 40 degrees!! Well, I can't say I don't any more, can I!? I must be coming down with something.... ok, a Google search has assured me that the only thing I am coming down with, at the moment, is OLD AGE. *Humphf* And I was doing so good trying to break the humphfing habit. *Humphf* All humphfing aside, it is BEAUTIFUL out! Once I got passed the shiver part I was invigorated by the 44°.  Cooked up with 89% humidity, calm winds and fair skies....ooh, we had a thunderstorm yesterday! I took a picture from the relative dryness of the porch. Actually, if I'm to be completely honest, my camera and my right hand holding the camera, were the only things that went out the door. The rest of me stayed inside where it was dry:)
A fast storm. It came over, boomed a couple of times, dumped a mass load of rain, then cleared up for a nice blue sky day!... 
This morning, tho...
promises to be a Triple G day!!! My coffee is yucko. No surprise there. Hey, I'm thinkin' the fungus pics are about to go extinct with the passing of the warm weather. So, I am gonna move on shortly, well, today actually, to the next picture collection- leafs!!
It is fast coming to the "Changing of the Color" time. If the 44° this morning didn't trigger the fall season in the trees, I don't know what will. 
I do have a fungus picture. I think. Not sure about this one. I have seen it around the neighborhood, photographed it, but never shared it cus I don't know what it is.
I've thought it was bird "deposits".. :) tee-hee... deposits :)... sounds funny. Ahem, I've thought shredded paper caused by a lawn mower when I saw it all over one yard. Up close in our own yard I see that it's neither of those things. It's powdery. So I'm thinkin' FUNGUS!... Hmmm... 
Green Leaf On Drive
Get ready for the leaf pictures, cus here they come! A quick disclaimer: neither of the leaf pictures were contrived by moi. As I left for my usual shopping trip with N yesterday, there they both lay, on a freshly rained-on driveway. Both were just asking for their picture to be taken!!
Ok. yeah, yer right, yer right. Too much. I have definitely lost the art of brevity. The advent of children, cats, kittens and dogs did that to me. When I had children I found they expected noises from me. Our pets did as well. I learned to comply. I don't know if the plants I kept ever needed it but they got it just as well. Now, everything, animate and inanimate, gets verbally regaled... or not... on a constant basis. Brevity just ain't gonna happen'! Oh! That reminds me!! The following is a very brief conversation overheard while vacationing in D:
J- L caught the fish of the trip. It was huge!
A-Oh, L, do tell all. Share your story!
L- It was big.
Extended pause...
A- My, what a story L. Truly, a man of few words.
I LOVED it!! Does that not illustrate brevity at it's best!!?? :) Rest assured. Brevity is not dead yet!