Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Ceiling Vents And Gift Certificates

Good Evening fro... it's really really hard NOT to hear Bela Lugosi's voice when I hear, read or say Good Evening. :)  I realize most of you have never seen the 1931 version of Dracula starring Mr. Lugosi but you've probably heard someone, somewhere, in some movie, advertisement or cartoon do an impersonation of the way that man said "Good Evening." It was memorable, to say the least. Unintentionally funny to me, as a kid, when I watched the movie with my Mama. Off track here... Starting at the beginning, Good Evening... :) :) :)... ok, Ok, OKAY! I'm done! Done. Once more from the top... Good Evening from the inside of the house with the beloved Front Porch. 9:30 PM, yes, but I must share a "you had to be there" moment. I had just paused my game on the computer. Witcher Enhanced Edition. I'm workin' my way to Witcher 3, which L says is one of THE best games he has ever played. Ok, off track again. Paused the game, grabbed the book I'm reading, Dan Brown's Deception Point, settled into my chair when my computer started making this weird noise. I glance over at it. Looks fine. No noise. Start searching for my place in the book. Hear noise again. Glance over at the computer. Nuttin'. Back to book. Noise again. Get up thinking "OH MAN! Nothin' better be going wrong with my computer!" Stand in front of computer. Waiting. Startled when a small folded piece of paper picks itself up and starts TAP TAP TAPPING on my printer!!! That's when I notice the brown string connected to the paper and leading up to the vent in the ceiling!
Big grin :) ! An incoming message from L and S! My homemade gift to S last Christmas. A gift certificate for a German Pancake!
Totally one of the best ways I've ever gotten a message! :)

Addendum, no... postscript? Afterword! No, not right... addition? Add-on? Wait! I got it! Correction!! Ok. Correction: NOT Bela Lugosi! Alfred Hitchcock!! I was gently reminded yesterday it's Alfred Hitchcock who is so often quoted saying "Good Evening." *Humphf* Stupid memory.... In my own defense, I read somewhere that all memories stored in our brain share the same space as our dreams and fantasies. If that's true, well, no wonder they get jumbled up!!! Thank goodness for friends that have a better filing system in their memory warehouse! :)