Thursday, September 8, 2016

Free Will

Foggy, 67°, 97% humidity and calm winds. We have a fog advisory at the moment. Now, when I planted my fanny on the Front Porch I noticed it seemed overcast, not necessarily foggy. Not on our street anyway. What really caught my attention, was the quiet. I couldn't hear any traffic noise, no birds squawking, no barking dogs, no people talking, hammering or mowing. The loudest noise was a cricket and a cicada-like, but not a cicada, buzz. Probably the quietest I have ever heard it on the Porch. I'm thinking the fog did it. Muffled all the noise for a wonderfully peaceful moment. It also smelled good out there. I took in several deep satisfying, fragrant breaths. Too many deep breaths. I promptly relearned that an overabundance of oxygen can cause quite the head rush. Whoa. Let's see, there were no visitors today. No bugs. No new fungus. Make that no new fungi. No coffee. I had tea instead. No walk, because... well, because I didn't want to. Lazy? I prefer to think of it as an exercise in free will. And "they" say we all need exercise. The "they" we all listen to without knowing why. Well, there ya go! I got my exercise today! :) May life always grant you the exercise of your choice, and the freedom that goes with it! Toodles!
Purdy cat! A visitor at work yesterday. I haven't seen eyes that crossed in a long time!