Friday, September 9, 2016

Double Fungi Perhaps

Foggy. Again. Temp is ... COFFEE!... I'm back. My cofield pip belched its last bit of hot water loudly enuf to let me know my coffee was ready. I responded :) Cofield pip. My phone dubbed the little coffee maker I use a "cofield pip" during my unedited swipe phase. It's burned into my brain. My little coffee maker will forever be Mr. Cofield Pip. Anyway 67° on the Front Porch. Already. Posta hit 90° today. I must say I'm getting rather good at the whole zero glyph code thing. A hiccup occurred just now when I tried the code this morning without the Numlock on. Just so ya know, it doesn't work with the Numlock off. I took a walk this morning. Another exercise in free will :)... I need to see what time I'm to report for work!...10am. Plenty of time. Where was I? Walk, took a walk. Nice and quiet. No lunging dogs (thank goodness), no barking ankle biters (thank goodness), no Fast and Furious wanna-be's floorin' it outta their driveways in their- I love this- Minivans (amazing how the mind can transform the Minivan into a muscle car), and no getting pelted with unrestrained jeers from the bus stop delinquents (although I miss the good mornings from the decent teen and preteen folk, may their lives be blessed in kind with the decency they bestow on others). A nice walk. No new fungi. HOWEVER!, I found what appears to be a double fungi! One growing on another! I think. I am as far from being a mycologist as one can possibly get. But check this pic out:
Totally weird, no? We're done here. May your day be of the 3 G persuasion with an abundance of the 6 L's so the big D will be yours!! :) Travel on, my Universe Brothers and Sisters!