56 wonderful degrees this morning. There was a MURDER of Crows around the Front Porch when I stepped outside! Too dark to get any pictures. It reminded me that I saw a ribbon of Crows flying over the streets as I was driving home last night. They're migrating! I love to see the Crows when they gather. Must check my past pictures. Later. This is a "I got nuttin'" day. I am relying far too much on my pictures to speak for me lately. Maybe something from the archives?...
Sunday, April 3, 2016 7:50 am
Physics. The science that deals with matter, energy, motion and force. I
had to look that up. My education is lacking. I never had a very good
grasp of the subject even tho it smacks you in the face on a daily
basis. I do, however, have a rudimentary idea of what it's about. Fer
instance, I'm quite sure there are fascinating physics behind picking up
a cup of coffee, placing it against ones lips, tipping the cup for a
sip of that vile liquid, removing it from said lips, un-tilting the cup
back to its original upright position and getting a hot coffee bullet
shot straight up the left nostril. Physics. At its mischievous best. I'm
sure the physics behind my reaction were just as fascinating. I really
wouldn't know as I was paying too much attention to the searing pain in
my nose. Blasted coffee. It's paying me back for calling it vile. May
your coffee, or the hot morning beverage of your choice, forever stay
out of your nose!!