Opened the Front Porch door this morning and stepped outside to a face full of spider webs! Wiggins meter went off the charts! And yes, "The Dance" happened. Somewhere in my preoccupied brain, whose sole focus should have been survival, a signal was sparked and my ears perked up at the sound of a police siren going off. For a brief split-second, survival was put on hold as the thought "Wow. What a perfect soundtrack for the Spider Dance!" passed thru my head. Traitorous brain!!! Nothing should ever distract it from survival! But, an imagined video-clip of various Spider Dances set to different sirens started running thru my head. It was hilarious! Sometimes I do crack myself up!! Still, the whole "time and place" thing fits in here somewhere. I can tell you this, panic mixed with hysteria is emotionally exhausting. Add to that the unexpected exertion brought on by the Spider Dance and I wanna go back to bed now. Once I had my wits about me, I headed with great eagerness to the driveway to see what Mother Nature might have left me for my leaf collection, and... the same 2 leaves that I photographed yesterday. Really? Neither the wind or the cars moved anything around? Well, okay then...
I re-photographed the leaf whose photo I DIDN'T share with you yesterday so I could add it to my collection today and thrill you with it in this report. I'm trying to master the art of the run-on sentence:) We got down to 42° last night. My poor snake plant! I set him outside
to see if it could revive with a little direct sun and it got sunburned!
Now I'm trying to freeze the poor thing! Done now! The jolt telling me to ready for work just happened! Adieu, my Fellow Travelers! May your day be web free and treasure full!!