Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Stupid Alarm

STUPID ALARM! Forgive me but I'm pulling out the H bomb here. I HATE mornings when the alarm doesn't go off!! Talk about hypocrisy!! I HATE alarms clocks. They start the day off wrong wrong wrong!!! There is NOTHING natural about waking to an alarm. The body will wake you when it's ready. If it's allowed. But no, we must wake to a most irritating noise and begin our day immediately off kilter. And then comes the day the alarm DOESN'T go off. And what happens? The day begins off kilter!! We hit the floor running, skip any and all activities that we might/could get away with avoiding for one day. Like a nice hot shower, the caffeine laced coffee, making the bed (which I don't anyway), breakfast, etc.etc. All for the sake of avoiding those two little words "You're late." My response to that ridiculously redundant statement has always wanted to be, "Why are you telling me? I knew long before you." *heavy sigh* I think my rant is done now. Stupid alarms... *Humphf*  If there were prettier pictures to be had during my two-second visit to the Front Porch, well, I missed them for being irritated, harried and hurried. Stupid alarm.... Oh, how I wish life in today's world could be alarm free... *heavy sigh* At least they could go off when they're supposed too!!!! ***HUMPHF!*** I suppose it doesn't help that I've dropped the clock at least half a dozen times in just the past week alone. I better go buy a new one. Those L's, G's and the big D we always talk about? You know the drill. That wish for you will never change, regardless of my alarm induced MOOD. Love and happiness to you always, Travelers.

Oh, almost forgot in my alarm induced temper tantrum, outburst, hissy fit, paroxysm of rage and any other way my thesaurus could teach me to call my tizzy this morning, that the 53° and 9 mph winds makes this cloudy morning a deliciously cool one!! Wish my alarm.... gettin' over it now... trying... *heavy sigh*  I can't proof read this right now! I'm late!!