Almost forgot a fungus picture. Check out the daddy long legs on the right side mushroom. Never saw him till I looked at the picture! I have said this before as well and will probably say again, sometimes I amaze me with my observational skills.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Bacon Beats The Blues
Ok. I haven't begun to view my Crocs as potential assassins yet. But I am eyeballing them with heavy suspicion. The left Croc saw fit to trip me up on the Front Porch this morning. I don't care how innocent it may look sitting there admiring those sunflowers, my eye is zoomed in, focused and ready to sentence the pair of them to a particular waste can if needs be!!! Humphf! Oh... I haven't humphfed in quite a while. Must have been triggered by my walk. Which was short this morning. VERY busy out there. Too busy for me. Every corner had a small group of school children waiting for their bus ride to whatever school belonged to them this year. As usual, you had the classic mix of hoodlums, jocks, diva's, and decent folk, all trying to fit in to whatever clique they felt most comfortable. I heard a few "good mornings" offset by a few jeers. Pleasant mixed with unpleasant, but tolerable had my mood not been corrupted right off the bat. I no sooner started my walk when a couple passed me walking their two dogs. This, in itself, is not an issue. And the little beagle mix towing the gentleman around the block was adorable and friendly. However, the tiny Yorkshire mix walking his ladyship promptly wrapped his lead around the lady's ankles and proceeded to bark. At me. Constantly. Completely ignoring the feeble commands spewed forth by the owner of the ankles. This encounter was followed almost immediately by a massive jolt to my heart when, a few steps around the corner, I thought I was about to be attacked by a brown pit/bulldog/boxer(?) mix and a blonde retriever/lab(?) mix whose aggressive barking and lunges toward me promised bloodshed. I didn't see the man in his pajamas and bathrobe behind the shrubs from which the lunging occurred. Somehow, thankfully, he managed to hang onto the leads attached to the dogs. But he too displayed an unimpressive lack of control over his dogs. The man's commands to sit and quiet down completely ignored. How he managed to hang onto the two leads is beyond me. Then, as if attacking dogs weren't enuf to test my hearts limit, a vehicle shot out of it's driveway 6 feet from me. 6 feet. Plenty of room to miss me, I agree. But close enuf to kick the heart into high gear!! I could hear the words in the drum beat my heart was pounding out, 'time to go home-time to go home-time to go home'. Guess what I did? Yep. I beat feet home. Bacon! The bacon I didn't make for myself yesterday is so happnin' today!!! And YES, it is! Total COMFORT food!! And No! A stupid catch phrase like "comfort food" will not stop me from enjoying every single bite! It's BACON time!! :) Now that makes me happy! I've said it before and I will say again, whatever the BACON in your life may be, may it ALWAYS make you happy!!! Te quiero Travelers!