Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Took My Camera

Good evening from The Front Porch. It's so nice out at the moment. And bug free. Of course, had I stayed out longer than 15 minutes they would have eventually sussed out my presence, homed in on my location and, with proboscises at the ready, zoomed in on their evening meal. So, I thought to myself, I thought, "I think not" and I came inside before turning into an unwilling blood donor. I was out there long enuf to satisfy my curiosity. Took my camera, pointed it at a star, depressed the shutter button and---
---nothing but black. Okay. Took my camera, zoomed in on the same star, depressed and--- 
a 'dust-mote-on-the-lens' white spot in black. Right. Took my camera, turned on the flash, depressed the shutter button and---
---cool! Forget the star!! Look at the trees! Our beautiful trees! So I took my camera, re-positioned, depressed and---
What can I say. I was on the verge of boredom. That's just not acceptable.