I want coffee! I have no real understanding of this desire to drink such a liquid other than a need for the caffeine. That and the fact I hate the taste of water even worse. I have better options available to obtain that caffeine. Tea, hot chocolate, even Pepsi. But no. I have succumbed to some sort of mass hypnosis or mind control that has millions of us reaching for coffee in the morning. Tis a mystery. One I wish to stop burning brain cells over. Perhaps I have acquired a taste for the stuff and I'm in complete denial. Me and my coffee are moving on now. But we'll be back. As long as I keep looking at my cup and wondering "Why?" this conversation will continue. It was dark enough out side that leaf pictures were impossible without the flash. Red leaves are the dominant color lately.
I'm starting to think a photo collection of grass really would be more interesting than leaves. I'll give it a couple more weeks. Maybe the leaves will get interesting again. For a brief time anyway. The trees will be bare shortly. All the leaves will be raked up, crushed up or blown away and I'll be forced to focus on a new photo collection. Coffee time! May you be blessed and caressed with a warm, gentle rain at least once more before winter, my Fellow Travelers. Te quiero.Ok, this report deserves the delete key but I'm too lazy to start over. Until tomorrow and hopefully a better report. *humphf*