57° of comfortable air surrounds the Front Porch. I like it!! The Weather Guessers say that we are currently experiencing foggy/misty conditions. Well, the moon said hello this morning. From a clear sky. You know what this means... LIARS!!! I was reminded yesterday by N just how much I love to do that! It's been awhile. My uvula enjoys it when I sling that word at the We-Guessers. One mustn't neglect one's uvula. :) Moving on. Second morning in a row I startled Chippy and the Robin while someone out with their dogs startled me. Chippy didn't scream this morning but he's nursing a headache. That Porch board has had many a Chippy head bounce off it during Beat-Feet Retreats. The Robin only cussed once at me but it was enuf to wake his buddies and start a foraging fight over the available worms in the yard. And the jogger with two dogs never realized I was on the porch, so they didn't witness my own startle. At least l'm not sportin' a headache like Chippy. There was tons of activity around the Front Porch but it was too dark for me to witness most of it and my camera produced nothing but mostly black pictures. *Humphf* Oops. Sorry. And I've been doing so good lately. Anyway, most of my morning photo's met the Delete key. All of them should be introduced to that particular key, but I feel I must share a couple of photos with you, my Fellow Travelers, for better or for worse. Isn't that the basis behind any good relationship? Allow me to regale or bore, whichever it is. First up, The Battling Robins.
They can put on quite a show when one gets peeved at the other. Of the two Robins barely visible in the pic, the one on the right launched itself at the other while a third, which is all but impossible to see in the bottom right corner at the base of the tree, snuck in and ate the worm in question. There is a moral in that somewhere. Next up for your viewing pleasure The Leaf
I'm disappointed and bored with this one. Not that there weren't other leaves or leaf pictures. Plenty this morning. Except, not a blasted one of the plethora of leaf photos I took this morning came out clear. This was literally the best shot of the lot. And I'm not going back out to retake more pictures. I'M NOT DOIN' IT! Actually, I probably would, but I really need to get ready for work. A three G day I wish for you, Travelers. ONWARD INTO THE UNIVERSE! Or, in my case, to work. Te quiero, my adored ones!
Footnote- upon checking out the Report on my phone I realized that ya can't see a dang thing in them pictures!! *HUMPHF*