Good morning from the Front Porch. Bee-U-Tea-Full outside! I woke up to the phone giving me the weather for Ottawa. Ottawa! Who knows how I managed that one. I've heard it referred to as the "Fat Finger Syndrome". Yeah, that fits. My phone gets unintentionally change and rearranged constantly by my fat fingers. Annoying much. I've been thinkin'. I still manage to do that sometimes. These Blog (ptooey) posts are all about me. Narcissistic much! But, hey! Occasionally something of note happens. Not today, tho. It's all about me today. I'm taking my walk, right? I noticed a lady walking 2 dogs as I step into the street. I start walking north so that puts the lady and 2 dogs behind me. I can hear them gaining on me pretty quick. I am a moseyer and she was rapidly outpacing me. First thing my eyes latch onto just a few doors down, is this beautiful morning glory flower! It's growing in a pot at the base of a mailbox. One beautiful blossom not quite unfurled. My camera hand twitched rather hard but I'm a good girl, I walk on by. Two steps later, I'm a bad girl. I do an about face, go back and focus the camera on the flower. Just as I snapped the picture, the lady walking her dogs says "GOOD MORNING!?" I could hear the question mark. I'm pretty sure "Just what do you think you're doing?" was the correct interpretation. My red face managed to spit out "It's so pretty!" She then proceeds to the front door of the house the mailbox and the flower belong to. Whoopsie. Caught red handed. And still wearing the red face. Check out this flower, tho!!
Bee-U-Tea-Full!!! I found two treasures!! No clue what the seed pod is. I can hear the
seed rattling around inside. And, I haven't seen a lace leaf in quite a
Then, a fungus of course. A blurry picture but I was afraid of getting caught by the owners of the yard where said fungus resided. I'd like to avoid a reputation as a stalker.
May your days be red face free and treasure filled! Love and happiness to you, Fellow Travelers!