Friday, September 23, 2016

Mercy Sakes

Forgot to set my alarm. Whoopsie. Its 66° degrees with a 3 mph breeze and don't it FEEEEEL GOOD, DA NA NA NA NA NA NA!!! Sing it, James! Not happy that I had to rush my morning musings on the Front Porch. Waking up late and the fact that it started sprinkling within in 30 seconds of my fanny plant drove me back into the house before I was ready. Well, it was actually Phone and Camera that sent me scurrying for the indoors. I enjoy sitting in a light rain. Getting a bit wet doesn't bother me. For Phone and Camera, it could be a death sentence. Noisy traffic sounds today. Diesel horns and sirens and baffle-less motorcycles. Mercy sakes. ....:) Wow....  I just heard both my Daddy and my Granny in that! M-m-m-mer-cy. My Daddy loved to quote what we heard on Stan Freberg's 1957 album "A Child's Garden of Freberg." It's a satirical album poking fun at some of the popular music of it's time. I think all of us loved that album! And GrannyFuzz ALWAYS said "Oh for mercy sakes." She put the s at the end of sake rather than mercy. Hi Granny! Hi Daddy! I miss you. Thanks for the memories! Work!!! I must ready for work!!! May wonderful and beloved memories be ever present throughout your day, to keep the haunting ones at bay. Ich liebe dich meine Bruder and Schwestern des Universums!! Wait! Leaf picture.
Leaf pictures are not entertaining me as much as fungus pictures did. It's already time to start collecting something else. Blades of grass, maybe... Joke! Just a joke. Adieu!