Saturday, September 3, 2016

Squirrels, Fungus And Autumn Treasures

51... stupid num lock... Anyway! It's 51... Num lock is still on. Zero glyph coming up :)  It's 51°!!! My walk had an exhilarating chill to it!! Not cold, not uncomfortable. Just... just... perfect! It was perfect! Lots of squirrels beatin' feet thru the green belts and up the pines. No heart jolts or visions of being breakfast for some wild beast this morning. Just the fun of hearing squirrels and chipmunks verbally duking it out for foraging rights. Their battles are fun to witness because, as a rule, there are no casualties. The little guy in the following picture stopped to pose for me.
Forgive the blur. I rushed the picture. In order to photograph the accommodating rodent, I had to point my camera in the general direction of a neighboring house. Didn't want to get caught again. Stalking is, after all, illegal. Is my camera gonna get me in trouble? Hmmmm... Moving on. I heard, but never saw, what sounded like a huge flock of geese flying off in the distance. What a sight that must have been for those in eyeball shot! The first harbinger of autumn? The second for me, I think. Came home last night and these beauties were sitting on the porch!
They definitely brought Fall to my mind! I have a couple of fungus pictures today. First up is a repeat of a type previously collected. But this particular clump was just begging to be noticed. My Crocs insisted they be included in the shot. Not for vain reasons mind you, but for perspective. Uh-huh.
Next is this lovely little specimen. I'm pretty sure I have collected this kind as well, but it looked different enuf for me to wonder.
And my last picture for today is a treasure I found on my walk. I must admit though, the computer gamer in me is eyeballing that thing as a potential threat to civilization. The seed pod for what.....? An alien apocalypse? Maybe I shouldn't have brought it into the house... nah. It looks harmless. :)
May your autumn be a great one, Travelers! One with many treasures, should you choose to look for them!!