Dark. All I get is dark in the morning right now. But HEY!!! It let's me play with my flash! Our beautiful trees posed for me and the flash this morning!
They are rather majestic trees.... and it occurs to me I don't even know who they are. Well... piffle! That must be fixed a.s.a.p! But not now, because now I must ready for work. Of the very few leaves on the driveway, I saw only one that looked new. Shoulda used the flash on it. Tis a dark picture.
My equipment aka, the camera, is failing me, or I am becoming inept. Or lazy. A puzzlement to work out later because my leg hurts and I can't think. We're done here!... Wait. Just so I'm keeping with tradition, it's a delicious 58° on the Front Porch. :) Have a three G day my adored Travelers!!