The morning is gorgeous as you can see by the sky in the above picture. The picture with the shoes. It has been some time since I have seen this particular American Tradition. The tossing of someones shoes over power lines. Shoes never to be worn again, as certain death awaits anyone who tries to retrieve the dangling footwear. Wait, is this really an American concept or a borrowed one? Borrowed from whom? Google might be hard pressed to find that particular answer. Would this shoe throwing ritual be considered a modern art form? If so, exactly how would "Shoes Over Power Lines" be classified in the art world? Conceptual? I don't know. A bit of a stretch there. Performance art? Maybe it's the actual tossing of the shoes by the artist that is the"art" part? Sculpture? Eh, could be, maybe. Junk art? I'm not sure that shoes and power lines qualify as junk. Actually, now that I think on it, a pair of well worn shoes certainly could be considered junk. I wore such a pair just yesterday. Assemblage art? A definite possibility! Why not!? We can call it Junk Assemblage Performance Art!!! I like it! Ok. Enuf brain cells wasted on that puzzlement. 57°, 90% humidity, calm winds and fair skies proved to be perfect walkin' weather. Well, for me anyway. For some reason I got greedy with the treasures. No pictures of them for you but I had so many feathers, acorn caps, pine cones, lace leafs and rocks in my hands I was forced to let go of some. Then, when I got home I found I had lost even more on top of that! Everything was pretty to me this morning. I wanted it all! As I said, greedy. I heard the Flycatcher! But I couldn't see him. I did find a fungus to photograph tho! Cute little thing, if fungus can be cute.
I'm off. Must ready meself for shopping with my friend. Shopping for BACON!! BACON BACON BACON!!!! One way or another, I'm having BACON today!!! I hope your September is a beautiful and treasure filled month! Treasures are hiding everywhere! Learn LOTS! Brain food treasures taste good! Mostly. Ich liebe dich, meine Schestern und Bruder des Universums!!
I must share the pic I just took of my treasures because, well, because I can!
But mostly, this addendum is about junk shoes, and what it takes to
achieved that distinction. Check these out. I wore them yesterday.
Looked perfect when I put them on!