Friday, September 30, 2016

Chippy Red And Blue

Ahhhhhhh..... oh yeah. There is only one true, delicious way to get caffeine and sugar laced blood running through the veins!!! And I indulged. BRRRRRRR!! I think my body is succumbing to age. I'm cold at 43°!! When did that happen!? Soon I'll be wearing sweaters in summer. *heavy sigh* It is so beautiful out and around the Front Porch. I had visitors! But I didn't get any pictures. They wouldn't pose for me. Delightful visitors nonetheless! First was the Wee Tiny Chippy. He shot like a bullet, with his tail bushed out and sticking straight up, into the woods across the street. From there he barked at me the entire time I was out. Next was a Red Squirrel. Tiny lil' guy!! I'm talking dinky. Anyway, Red shot from across the street to within five feet before finally spotting me in his path, came to a screeching halt and froze. I was lifting my camera for a picture when he came to his senses and bolted like lightning back where he came from. Every hair on his body was sticking straight out! Kinda like he was going for a full body Sid Vicious hair style in red. Cute!! Then there was a mouthy Bluejay. He quite loudly screeched his opinion regarding my presence in the yard. Rather negatively, I might add. I must have interrupted his breakfast. Blue was oh so pretty and looking mighty fine with his mohawk. I'm done here. A good one to ya Travelers! Feeling pressed for time even tho I'm not. What's up with that!?

Thursday, September 29, 2016

I Got Nuttin' Part 7

Trees are starting to turn! 46° chilly. Might have been more comfy if I hadn't stepped out on the Front Porch in thin summer jammies. Yecch! Coffee went cold. It has a tendency to do that, sitting on the Porch, in the 46° air, all but forgotten. Nukers are a marvelous invention, all radiation aside. 60 seconds and coffee is hot again!! I really got nuttin' for ya this morning. Except a wish for you. Always a wish for you, even if never written or spoken. May your day be a 3 G day with many visits from the 6 L's...  For some reason a Neil Young song called "The Painter" has popped into my head. I do not understand the lyrics, I admit, but 2 lines just ran thru my head. "If you follow every Dream, You might get lost." Dream those Dreams. They have always been what the future is made of. But don't get lost. I love you, my Fellow Travelers!!

Ya know the great thing about late bloomers? They ALWAYS stand out.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Ceiling Vents And Gift Certificates

Good Evening fro... it's really really hard NOT to hear Bela Lugosi's voice when I hear, read or say Good Evening. :)  I realize most of you have never seen the 1931 version of Dracula starring Mr. Lugosi but you've probably heard someone, somewhere, in some movie, advertisement or cartoon do an impersonation of the way that man said "Good Evening." It was memorable, to say the least. Unintentionally funny to me, as a kid, when I watched the movie with my Mama. Off track here... Starting at the beginning, Good Evening... :) :) :)... ok, Ok, OKAY! I'm done! Done. Once more from the top... Good Evening from the inside of the house with the beloved Front Porch. 9:30 PM, yes, but I must share a "you had to be there" moment. I had just paused my game on the computer. Witcher Enhanced Edition. I'm workin' my way to Witcher 3, which L says is one of THE best games he has ever played. Ok, off track again. Paused the game, grabbed the book I'm reading, Dan Brown's Deception Point, settled into my chair when my computer started making this weird noise. I glance over at it. Looks fine. No noise. Start searching for my place in the book. Hear noise again. Glance over at the computer. Nuttin'. Back to book. Noise again. Get up thinking "OH MAN! Nothin' better be going wrong with my computer!" Stand in front of computer. Waiting. Startled when a small folded piece of paper picks itself up and starts TAP TAP TAPPING on my printer!!! That's when I notice the brown string connected to the paper and leading up to the vent in the ceiling!
Big grin :) ! An incoming message from L and S! My homemade gift to S last Christmas. A gift certificate for a German Pancake!
Totally one of the best ways I've ever gotten a message! :)

Addendum, no... postscript? Afterword! No, not right... addition? Add-on? Wait! I got it! Correction!! Ok. Correction: NOT Bela Lugosi! Alfred Hitchcock!! I was gently reminded yesterday it's Alfred Hitchcock who is so often quoted saying "Good Evening." *Humphf* Stupid memory.... In my own defense, I read somewhere that all memories stored in our brain share the same space as our dreams and fantasies. If that's true, well, no wonder they get jumbled up!!! Thank goodness for friends that have a better filing system in their memory warehouse! :)

Stupid Alarm

STUPID ALARM! Forgive me but I'm pulling out the H bomb here. I HATE mornings when the alarm doesn't go off!! Talk about hypocrisy!! I HATE alarms clocks. They start the day off wrong wrong wrong!!! There is NOTHING natural about waking to an alarm. The body will wake you when it's ready. If it's allowed. But no, we must wake to a most irritating noise and begin our day immediately off kilter. And then comes the day the alarm DOESN'T go off. And what happens? The day begins off kilter!! We hit the floor running, skip any and all activities that we might/could get away with avoiding for one day. Like a nice hot shower, the caffeine laced coffee, making the bed (which I don't anyway), breakfast, etc.etc. All for the sake of avoiding those two little words "You're late." My response to that ridiculously redundant statement has always wanted to be, "Why are you telling me? I knew long before you." *heavy sigh* I think my rant is done now. Stupid alarms... *Humphf*  If there were prettier pictures to be had during my two-second visit to the Front Porch, well, I missed them for being irritated, harried and hurried. Stupid alarm.... Oh, how I wish life in today's world could be alarm free... *heavy sigh* At least they could go off when they're supposed too!!!! ***HUMPHF!*** I suppose it doesn't help that I've dropped the clock at least half a dozen times in just the past week alone. I better go buy a new one. Those L's, G's and the big D we always talk about? You know the drill. That wish for you will never change, regardless of my alarm induced MOOD. Love and happiness to you always, Travelers.

Oh, almost forgot in my alarm induced temper tantrum, outburst, hissy fit, paroxysm of rage and any other way my thesaurus could teach me to call my tizzy this morning, that the 53° and 9 mph winds makes this cloudy morning a deliciously cool one!! Wish my alarm.... gettin' over it now... trying... *heavy sigh*  I can't proof read this right now! I'm late!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Where's The Delete Key

My raindrop covered Glasses and I are trying to figure out how I managed to miss the fact that it was supposed to rain today. Me, who has taken a screenshot of the current weather conditions almost everyday for the last few months. Yet I missed that forecast. What a pleasant surprise! A nice 59° rain and possibly among the last that I can actually go out and enjoy without discomfort. After all, the cold is coming. I only took 10 pictures though. To give you some perspective here, I rarely take less that 30 or 40. But Camera is right to be afraid of the rain. Phone as well. So I kept my morning musings to a minimum today. On to the WIP picture. Phone took the WIP today. I love it when I can catch a raindrop in the flash and the phone does that best! Looks like light streaks down the picture!
I want coffee! I have no real understanding of this desire to drink such a liquid other than a need for the caffeine. That and the fact I hate the taste of water even worse. I have better options available to obtain that caffeine. Tea, hot chocolate, even Pepsi. But no. I have succumbed to some sort of mass hypnosis or mind control that has millions of us reaching for coffee in the morning. Tis a mystery. One I wish to stop burning brain cells over. Perhaps I have acquired a taste for the stuff and I'm in complete denial. Me and my coffee are moving on now. But we'll be back. As long as I keep looking at my cup and wondering "Why?" this conversation will continue. It was dark enough out side that leaf pictures were impossible without the flash. Red leaves are the dominant color lately.
I'm starting to think a photo collection of grass really would be more interesting than leaves. I'll give it a couple more weeks. Maybe the leaves will get interesting again. For a brief time anyway. The trees will be bare shortly. All the leaves will be raked up, crushed up or blown away and I'll be forced to focus on a new photo collection. Coffee time! May you be blessed and caressed with a warm, gentle rain at least once more before winter, my Fellow Travelers. Te quiero.
Ok, this report deserves the delete key but I'm too lazy to start over. Until tomorrow and hopefully a better report. *humphf*

Monday, September 26, 2016

No Time To Play Today

Good morning from a 36° Front Porch. COLD! The WIP can't show you the COLD. At least not until the snow falls. I have no time to play today. I have places to be and a trip to plan so I must be off. Maybe I can come out to play later! My eyes were in treasure seeking mode this morning. I think I tried to photograph every leaf in, on and around the Porch! They ALL looked purdy to me today! Yer lucky I'm pressed fer time. No telling how many pics would have ended up here. Alas, I must limit it to one.
Ain't she purdy!!?!! The pic can't show you, but this leaf landed in the grass standing up. I like it!! And I'm off! Have a three G day today! It's a wonderful Fall!! Love and Happiness I wish for you, my adored Fellow Travelers!
Whoops. A quick check of the weather says it's 42 degrees out there now, not the 36 when I first got up. :)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The We-Guessers And Their LIES!

Liars!!!  Seriously. I can understand how a dozen puffy little clouds, or even a single cloud, can blur the lines between fair skies, partly cloudy skies and mostly cloudy skies. So, I can forgive that miss-classification by the Weather Guessers as it would be a subjective opinion, interpreted differently by each individual. However, when the air is moving enough to whip the tree tops around, scatter the dry leaves on the ground and annoyingly blow one's own hair into one's own eye, who in their right mind would categorize that as CALM winds?!?  LIARS!!!  I even waited an hour for the weather to update, thinking that perhaps the winds actually were calm when first reported. Again I say, with as much vehemence as I can muster first thing in the morning, LIARS!!!!  The WINDS, and WINDS it is, not CALM, not even a mild BREEZE mind you, it's WINDS, combined with 41° minus the wind chill factor, drove me back inside before I wanted to be driven back in because my hands were getting very cold. The rest of me was snug in slippers and warm flannels. But my exposed fingers warned that they would resort to pain if the rest of me didn't escort them back into the warm house, forthwith. Blasted killjoys. Hey! I saw the Catbird!! 
He's so purdy. Silently flying from shrub to shrub looking for food. Until he spotted me. That's when he flew into the neighbors yard, where he meowed his displeasure several times and promptly disappeared into the trees. Also, one of the Morning Doves that likes to jump start my heart in the early mornings, posed for a blurry picture way over in the neighbors yard. All that way and I still got "The Look".
Moving on to the Leaf/WIP picture. Who said the leaves hadta be on the ground right?! Look at that branch of red beauties!
Coffee time. Or perhaps hot chocolate time!! May your mornings have a peaceful moment with the morning beverage of your choice. Journey on, my Fellow Travelers. Grab those L's on your way. They make the journey oh so Great, Grand and Glorious!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

I Need Food

Saturday. Took a walk and Saturday is the day for it. No buses, no muscle car-wannabe minivans shooting out of driveways, no dogs barking or lunging at unsuspecting moseyers. Yep, I'm thinkin' Saturday will be my walk day. Stomach's growling. COLD! 41° of cold. I didn't check the weather last night before bed and I think a frost might have taken poor Snake Plant. He's indoors now, but a fat lotta good that does! He shoulda been indoors last night. All right stomach, I hear you. Uh-oh. Must curb the complaining or the day could be a bleak one. I don't want bleak. Bleak is a rotten way to spend a day. I found a feather!
Tiny little thing. Maybe 3 inches if it's lucky. Mourning Dove. I only know this cus I saw 5 of them scatter to the 4 corners of the Earth when a couple of squirrels decided the Doves were feeding in Squirrel Territory. I saw the feather waft thru the air and down to our driveway. I'm hungry. I need food. Where's my coffee?... In the microwave. Of course it is. Where else would it be. At least I found it today and not tomorrow like I usually do. Leaf Picture. Doesn't really deserve capital letters but I'm feeling generous at the moment. And hungry. I need food. Leaf first!
Food NOW!!! Well, piffle. I didn't take "a picture to illustrate the current weather conditions" picture. *sigh* be right back...
Ok, now FOOD! Wait. There is a bird in the W.I.P.... :) Weather Illustration Picture... :) WIP! I'm so using it! I don't know what it is tho. The bird, I mean. Don't know what the bird is. S! I need S! She's asleep. I need FOOD! Where's my coffee? 8:10! Egg McMuff here I come!! Gotta go! May the food in your life ALWAYS delight, my Fellow Travelers!! You guys always deserve the capital letters of Love!! Bye!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Mercy Sakes

Forgot to set my alarm. Whoopsie. Its 66° degrees with a 3 mph breeze and don't it FEEEEEL GOOD, DA NA NA NA NA NA NA!!! Sing it, James! Not happy that I had to rush my morning musings on the Front Porch. Waking up late and the fact that it started sprinkling within in 30 seconds of my fanny plant drove me back into the house before I was ready. Well, it was actually Phone and Camera that sent me scurrying for the indoors. I enjoy sitting in a light rain. Getting a bit wet doesn't bother me. For Phone and Camera, it could be a death sentence. Noisy traffic sounds today. Diesel horns and sirens and baffle-less motorcycles. Mercy sakes. ....:) Wow....  I just heard both my Daddy and my Granny in that! M-m-m-mer-cy. My Daddy loved to quote what we heard on Stan Freberg's 1957 album "A Child's Garden of Freberg." It's a satirical album poking fun at some of the popular music of it's time. I think all of us loved that album! And GrannyFuzz ALWAYS said "Oh for mercy sakes." She put the s at the end of sake rather than mercy. Hi Granny! Hi Daddy! I miss you. Thanks for the memories! Work!!! I must ready for work!!! May wonderful and beloved memories be ever present throughout your day, to keep the haunting ones at bay. Ich liebe dich meine Bruder and Schwestern des Universums!! Wait! Leaf picture.
Leaf pictures are not entertaining me as much as fungus pictures did. It's already time to start collecting something else. Blades of grass, maybe... Joke! Just a joke. Adieu!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Enter Autumn

The Front Porch is dark and quiet. Too dark for picture taking. I'll wait an hour and try again. Spring has officially stepped off stage. It's Autumns turn to step up at 10:21 AM to delight and entertain us. There is something poetic about getting up on this first official Autumn morning, before the alarm went off (I love those days) and stepping into a slipper already occupied by a spider. I don't need to go into detail about the Wiggins Meter, the Spider Dance, the heart palpitations or anything else that accompanies such an event. I'm just glad nothing got broken by my flailing limbs and a flying slipper. The best part about this arachnid encounter is the fact that I wasn't bit. The worst part about this encounter is that the spider is still somewhere in my bedroom. Just lovely. Who knows how long I will be eyeballing everything in my room with squinty-eyed suspicion. And a hail and hearty welcome to you as well, Autumn. Nice entrance. I want coffee. And food. Adrenaline is wearing off... Ok, it's been a while. Steak and eggs for breakfast!! Yummy!! Let's go see what the Front Porch has to offer this morning.
It's pretty out. I would love to show you but Camera is really struggling today. My poor baby. I've been so hard on it. Dropping it, thrusting it outside in the rain, snow and bitter cold, carrying it in my pocket when it's really not a pocket camera, sitting on it, using it with food-sticky fingers, getting mad at it and pressing the shutter button too hard when it won't take a picture... no wonder it doesn't work right anymore. Time to shop for a new camera! A Leaf picture
My eyes need to open up. There are better leaf pictures out there somewhere. M Woods Trees
A pre-color shot. Now, if I remember, I'll take a peak color picture in a couple/few weeks. It'll be nice to see the contrast. Te quiero Travelers. May the colors in your life always be beautiful!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Of Uvulas And Blurry Photos

57° of comfortable air surrounds the Front Porch. I like it!! The Weather Guessers say that we are currently experiencing foggy/misty conditions. Well, the moon said hello this morning. From a clear sky. You know what this means... LIARS!!!  I was reminded yesterday by N just how much I love to do that! It's been awhile. My uvula enjoys it when I sling that word at the We-Guessers. One mustn't neglect one's uvula. :)  Moving on. Second morning in a row I startled Chippy and the Robin while someone out with their dogs startled me. Chippy didn't scream this morning but he's nursing a headache. That Porch board has had many a Chippy head bounce off it during Beat-Feet Retreats. The Robin only cussed once at me but it was enuf to wake his buddies and start a foraging fight over the available worms in the yard. And the jogger with two dogs never realized I was on the porch, so they didn't witness my own startle. At least l'm not sportin' a headache like Chippy. There was tons of activity around the Front Porch but it was too dark for me to witness most of it and my camera produced nothing but mostly black pictures. *Humphf* Oops. Sorry. And I've been doing so good lately. Anyway, most of my morning photo's met the Delete key. All of them should be introduced to that particular key, but I feel I must share a couple of photos with you, my Fellow Travelers, for better or for worse. Isn't that the basis behind any good relationship? Allow me to regale or bore, whichever it is. First up, The Battling Robins.
They can put on quite a show when one gets peeved at the other. Of the two Robins barely visible in the pic, the one on the right launched itself at the other while a third, which is all but impossible to see in the bottom right corner at the base of the tree, snuck in and ate the worm in question. There is a moral in that somewhere. Next up for your viewing pleasure The Leaf
I'm disappointed and bored with this one. Not that there weren't other leaves or leaf pictures. Plenty this morning. Except, not a blasted one of the plethora of leaf photos I took this morning came out clear. This was literally the best shot of the lot. And I'm not going back out to retake more pictures. I'M NOT DOIN' IT! Actually, I probably would, but I really need to get ready for work. A three G day I wish for you, Travelers. ONWARD INTO THE UNIVERSE! Or, in my case, to work. Te quiero, my adored ones!
Footnote- upon checking out the Report on my phone I realized that ya can't see a dang thing in them pictures!! *HUMPHF*

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Stillness Shattered

63° and foggy again. I love what the camera flash does to the fog when it's dark. I love what the fog does to the morning. Quiet, still and peaceful. A peaceful quiet stillness shattered almost immediately by moi. First, I startled a poor Chippy when I stepped out on the Front Porch this morning. His warning bark came perilously close to being a scream. Poor guy. Then, when I stepped out into the yard, two startled morning doves came perilously close to making ME scream when they took off right in front of me. And before I could reach the street for a "Fog" shot, a Robin took off out of the M Woods spewing obscenities while flying, not once around the yard, but two complete circuits. I guess once wasn't enuf time to complete his repertoire of curses and he wanted to make sure I heard them all. I took my "Fog" shot, once I made it to the street
indulged in a shadow selfy
went to the driveway, with flash at the ready this time, to capture a leaf shot,
and came perilously close to screaming when the Morning Glory Lady and her two dogs walked by. Fog does have a reputation for muffling sound. It would have been hard pressed to muffle my scream had my vocal cords engaged. I think both the Morning Glory lady and I said "good morning". It was hard to hear over the drum beating somewhere near the vicinity of my heart. Quite the morning so far! May your mornings be quiet, still and peaceful, at least for a moment! Love and happiness I wish for you!! Oh, and I had to Google pine needles to see if they qualify as a leaf and THEY DO! I did not know that. So, my lovely pine needle pic, you will be added to my Autumn Leaf Photo Collection! Live laugh and love my Fellow Travelers!

Monday, September 19, 2016

About The Timing

Kinda wet and a tad foggy this morning. Currently it is 67° with calm winds and rain showers. Forecast calls for a high of 72°, with "Showers Likely and Patchy Fog then T-storms." Enuf with the weather already. Paintin' a scene here for ya. I woke at 3:50, threw back the sheet, sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, glanced around the fan in the window so I could see the street, just as a long series of very bright strobe-like lightning flashes occurred! Lit up the street like it was daytime!! What an awesome light show!!! I anxiously waited for the boom boom boom of thunder and more lightning. Waited... And waitied some more... Nuthin'. And nuthin'. Okie dokie then. Tended to the reason I woke in the first place, a need for the facilities. Perched myself back on the edge of the bed glanced out the window and waited some more. Nuthin'. It's all in the timing, isn't it? Timing. I wonder a lot about the timing of events. So many things had to happen with precise timing in order for my eyes to be looking out the window at the exact moment the cloud above us discharged it's electricity. This would be a flip of the right time/wrong time coin. I love that it landed on the right side for me last night! May your right time/wrong time coin land far more on the right side for you, my Fellow Travelers. Te quiero!! Wait! Wait wait wait... here come the pictures.  :)   I hafta throw in a leaf picture at the very least.
I love the raindrop rings in the puddle! What ever possessed me to depress the movie button is beyond me. But I'm glad I did! Again with the timing, right? Made for a very interesting screen shot!! And a very nice addition to my Autumn Leaf photo collection.
A picture of the "Tad Foggy" part of the weather. But I can see the red in them thar trees!! That time is here! The color is coming!!

That Would Be Yesterday

Good 1 o'clock in the morning from the inside of the house with the Front Porch. A rare occasion, when I cannot sleep. I learned quickly how pointless it is to lay in bed. I read a book, did a load of laundry and now... no one wants to know any of this... I don't want to know any of this! Moving on. A baby Chippy visited the Back Porch today! Wait. Technically that would be yesterday. I caught a fleeting glimpse of him a couple of days ago when he shot under the Front Porch as I was leaving for work. And then today... no, it was yesterday... ok, a few hours ago, I walked over to the glass doors and there he sat, purdy as a picture! Considering my camera was having to focus on the lil' guy thru the glass, the picture's not half bad. Proof positive that we had a guest of the delightful rodent persuasion today!! No. That would be yesterday. What a wee tiny cutie!!
*YAWN*... hey! the yawning has begun. Bed time. Have a good night, my dear ones. May you be forever blessed with restful sleep. Love and Happiness to you!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Batting Practice

The Front Porch is wet. Some much needed rain has decided to grace our dry grounds. Today's 67° weather picture looks like any other, but there really is rain in it somewhere. My camera is mad at me for getting it wet. A gray squirrel decided to visit today! I was so glad to have a visitor I didn't mind that the little thing spent the entire visit hurling profanity my way.
Batting practice! Remember tossing up a ball and swinging a bat to hit it? Exactly! Mr. Gray Squirrel would bark, then flip his tail. Bark and flip. He was tossing up a curse then batting it right at me with his tail! Apparently, when laughed at, this particular squirrel thinks you're barking in return. He became quite agitated with me. Curses were being pitched in the air and tail-batted so fast the little guy was all but doing somersaults on the branch he was perched on. We had quite an interesting conversation until my camera insinuated that, if allowed to get much wetter, it would refuse to work. For-ev-er. It seemed rather rude, leaving my visitor in the midst of his apoplectic indignation, but I do love my camera. I tried to extend a sincere and standing invitation to Gray that he should feel free to visit often to curse at me whenever he needs the batting practice. But I doubt he heard the invite. I was dodging the little fella's curse-filled line drives all the way back into the house. Before being so entertained by Mr. Gray, I did manage to take a rather mundane leaf picture for my collection.
Again, I headed for the driveway. I do love it as a backdrop. And, again, none of these pictures are contrived. Perhaps they should be. The leaf  mid-picture was no bigger than a fifty cent piece. A little thing. The tiny leaf in the upper right hand corner I never saw until I looked at the picture! That's been happening a lot lately. I love it and hate it. I hate that I am so unobservant. But I love the thrill of finding an unexpected treasure in a photo!!! That totally negates the flip side of the love/hate coin! Negate hate... I like it! May your day be filled with wonderful, unexpected thrills! LIVE LAUGH and LOVE my Fellow Travelers!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Flash In The Dark

Dark. All I get is dark in the morning right now. But HEY!!! It let's me play with my flash! Our beautiful trees posed for me and the flash this morning!
They are rather majestic trees.... and it occurs to me I don't even know who they are. Well... piffle! That must be fixed a.s.a.p! But not now, because now I must ready for work. Of the very few leaves on the driveway, I saw only one that looked new. Shoulda used the flash on it. Tis a dark picture.
My equipment aka, the camera, is failing me, or I am becoming inept. Or lazy. A puzzlement to work out later because my leg hurts and I can't think. We're done here!... Wait. Just so I'm keeping with tradition, it's a delicious 58° on the Front Porch. :)  Have a three G day my adored Travelers!!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Spider Webs And Sirens

Opened the Front Porch door this morning and stepped outside to a face full of spider webs! Wiggins meter went off the charts! And yes, "The Dance" happened. Somewhere in my preoccupied brain, whose sole focus should have been survival, a signal was sparked and my ears perked up at the sound of a police siren going off. For a brief split-second, survival was put on hold as the thought "Wow. What a perfect soundtrack for the Spider Dance!" passed thru my head. Traitorous brain!!! Nothing should ever distract it from survival! But, an imagined video-clip of various Spider Dances set to different sirens started running thru my head. It was hilarious! Sometimes I do crack myself up!! Still, the whole "time and place" thing fits in here somewhere. I can tell you this, panic mixed with hysteria is emotionally exhausting. Add to that the unexpected exertion brought on by the Spider Dance and I wanna go back to bed now. Once I had my wits about me, I headed with great eagerness to the driveway to see what Mother Nature might have left me for my leaf collection, and... the same 2 leaves that I photographed yesterday. Really? Neither the wind or the cars moved anything around? Well, okay then...
I re-photographed the leaf whose photo I DIDN'T share with you yesterday so I could add it to my collection today and thrill you with it in this report. I'm trying to master the art of the run-on sentence:) We got down to 42° last night. My poor snake plant! I set him outside to see if it could revive with a little direct sun and it got sunburned! Now I'm trying to freeze the poor thing! Done now! The jolt telling me to ready for work just happened! Adieu, my Fellow Travelers! May your day be web free and treasure full!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Not Many Visitors

This was the sky when I got off work yesterday. So much prettier in person. Moving on now... Good morning from the Front Porch! It's been a very lonely summer on the Porch. Not many visitors at all. Those few that did visit didn't want their picture taken. Except for Chippy, who came for the morning repast I offered. Those visits stopped abruptly early in the summer. With the coming of winter there will be no visitors at all. *heavy sigh* My coffee tried to shoot me in the eye just now! My glasses proved to be an excellent shield. We are currently enjoying 49°. Add that to fair skies, calm winds and 90% humidity and we have an excellent recipe for a brisk Autumn day. Allow me to illustrate:
The 40 degree nights have prompted the trees to begin the process of shedding their leaves. I can see the color changing on the neighbors tree. It's kinda hidden in the picture. Just above Trusty, my wonder steed, the forsythia and...  oh for Cobb's sake, it's purdy much dead center of the picture behind everything in front of it... now I'm lost... Background, dead center... brevity is not all it's cracked up to be! 
Leaf picture.
Today I deliberately went straight to the driveway to see what the leaf world might have seen fit to deposit there for my camera. I was not disappointed. My photo collection of leaves might be limited in species but what a variety of color!! Fall is around the corner! May your Autumn be a Great Grand and Glorious one for you, my Brothers and Sisters of the Universe!! I believe you deserve nothing less that the best!!! Love and happiness to you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Took My Camera

Good evening from The Front Porch. It's so nice out at the moment. And bug free. Of course, had I stayed out longer than 15 minutes they would have eventually sussed out my presence, homed in on my location and, with proboscises at the ready, zoomed in on their evening meal. So, I thought to myself, I thought, "I think not" and I came inside before turning into an unwilling blood donor. I was out there long enuf to satisfy my curiosity. Took my camera, pointed it at a star, depressed the shutter button and---
---nothing but black. Okay. Took my camera, zoomed in on the same star, depressed and--- 
a 'dust-mote-on-the-lens' white spot in black. Right. Took my camera, turned on the flash, depressed the shutter button and---
---cool! Forget the star!! Look at the trees! Our beautiful trees! So I took my camera, re-positioned, depressed and---
What can I say. I was on the verge of boredom. That's just not acceptable.