A quick sum up with regards to the five traditionally recognized senses:
Olfacoception= fireplace
Ophthalmoception= stars
Audioception= traffic
Tactioception= cold
Gustaoception= coffee
So, how's your morning?
Are those senses awake yet?
Are those senses awake yet?
I was gonna post another picture of the dark, but that's rather pointless, I think. I mean, seriously, the whole point of a picture is to see something. Hopefully, something interesting. The dark doesn't have much of a wardrobe to show off. At least, not as far as my visual perception can discern. For all I know Dark wears the same clothes every single day. How unimaginative, some might think. Honestly though, can you imagine Dark looking into a full closet and asking Light "Darling, I look rather swarthy this morning. Should I stick with the darker palette or go with something pastel?" On the other hand, how wonderfully straightforward and uncomplicated. 364 pairs of the same pants. I LIKE IT!! Decisive and confident.
It's time for me to go. Now to pick out something to wear. What do you think, darling? Dark, vivid or pastel?
Decisions decisions.
May all your decisions be easily made and comfortably lived with!
Love and Happiness I wish for you, along with huge helpings of the 3 G's, the 6 L's and the big D!
Love and Happiness I wish for you, along with huge helpings of the 3 G's, the 6 L's and the big D!