Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hot Coffee Goes Cold

20°, 62% humidity, overcast with 3 mph W winds. Bye!
Just kidding. About the bye. The current weather really IS the current weather. Playing with Camera on the Front Porch has given me more evidence that I have SO much to learn about cameras.

The first pic is closer to what I actually saw sitting on the Front Porch at 5:30 this morning. The second is with the ISO on Camera at max setting. Yeah. Lots to learn. But I don't mind saying that the moon is beautiful! Hope you see it this morning. A quick run down of the sensory input as noted while on the Front Porch: Touch- it was cold out there (deliciously warm in here tho). Sight- the Moon and the Stars shining this morning are beautiful, as always. Hearing- other than my own incessant humming of  'Bones In The Sky', all was peacefully quiet and still. No traffic noise at all. Smell- I find myself once again asking, why doesn't coffee taste as good as it smells? Which brings us to Taste- yuck. Coffee NEVER tastes like it smells. Oh, and 20° turns hot coffee cold REALLY fast. 
May you always find ways to engage those senses, Travelers. They hold the keys to enjoying life, even when hot coffee goes cold!!