Monday, March 13, 2017


Hunches can be cool sometimes. Sometimes not. But this morning I have a hunch, if I were able to stay for any serious length of time on the Front porch, that some entertaining visitors would be out and about presenting a few photo ops. Just a hunch. Based on all the noises I could hear. But it's 10° out there. Some serious time on the Front Porch isn't gonna happen when it's 10° outside. And poor Camera is having trouble snapping open it's shutter covers when it's that cold. Explains all those black pictures that showed up when I tried to download all images yesterday. 10° also turns your coffee from piping hot to icy cold in just seconds. Ahh, but nukers... they can be wonderful things! I'm stepping back out into the cold. Hunches can also drive you crazy if you don't deal with them. I'll be back!
For me, sitting on the Front Porch for any serious length of time in 10 degree weather is impossible. Couldn't do it, hunch or no hunch! But here's another WIP. This one from a different angle.
"Leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again..."
That's an OLDIE! I looked it up. Written by John Denver, released by Peter, Paul and Mary in 1967. I feel so old. 
Have a Great Grand and Glorious day, Travelers. Even if it's on a jet plane!
A before picture!
Just in case the snowstorm actually happens tomorrow.
Happy Birthday to S's father B! I hope you have a GREAT birthday!
And a wish for a birthday girl no longer here. I hope, wherever you are J, that you have great birthdays there, forever.