Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Good Thesaurus

That's it. The only picture I took this morning. I visited the Front Porch long enuf to make it's boards creak and snap a single picture. I glanced in Twitchy's direction as I bolted back inside but he wasn't there. Haven't seen him inna while. As for the weather, fair slies, they say. Yep, the skies are indeed fair. 12°, they say. No argument there. 31% humidity, they say. A much distressingly irritated epidermis agrees with much agonizing discomfort, redundancy blatantly intended. I tried to add more of the same to that sentence, like tormented, tortured, suffering, anguished, miserable, and plagued, but I couldn't figure out how. As for the last of the weather quadriptych, also known in the art world as a tetraptych, they say we have variable winds at 6 mph that have wind-chilled the temp down to 2°. Uh-huh, every inch of me felt that with no problem. Flannel jammies may be warm to sleep in, but they offer next to nothing in the way of protection against chilled 2 degree air. All that could be summed up in a single word-
But since I have an eager Thesaurus up and running let's add
(say what?)

I love a good thesaurus! And I love redundancies. I said it recently and I'm saying it again, may you always have a warm place out of the cold when you need it. Also, may your epidermis NEVER fuss at you when it's cold and dry. 
Love and Happiness to you,
Trivia! Did you know the epidermis is the largest human organ? If not, now you do. I didn't, until recently. I always thought internal when the word 'organ' came up. The liver is the largest internal organ. I DID know that. So, if anyone ever asks... seriously tho, why on earth would anyone EVER ask?