If I had anything besides nuttin' this morning it was totally forgotten. The possible sumpin' was replaced by an overwhelming urge to have a leftover hamburger for breakfast. A hamburger which I am thoroughly enjoying as I try to type this with one hand. :)
The weather is warming up. BUT! We do have possible snow in our Saturday future. I'm thinking that's too far into our future for the We-Gues to be making that call, given their track record. As for the present, we have 35°, 96% hum., calm winds and overcast skies. Skies which should be clearing this afternoon. Hamburger --- Yummy!
May all your breakfasts be thoroughly enjoyable, my Fellow Travelers!
Hold on!
Hold on!
Totally forgot that I was almost late to work yesterday because I got so enthralled by a sparkly!! Check out what Jack Frost painted on my windshield Yesterday morning!
Frosty is quite the artist!