Light Rain/Fog is the weather-guessers astute observation this morning. They just don't want to be pelted with the 5 letters I turn into verbal bricks and hurl at them when they aren't paying attention. Well... they're just no fun. Along with the light rain/fog, which OBACE agrees completely and without question as Camera flat refused to step outside for fear of melting, or, rather, make that rusting, we have 3 mph southerly winds, 96% humidity and a delightful 43°. A spring rain! A promise of things to come. Later. I guess we're back to single digit nighttime weather here in a couple days. I'm gonna get dressed and go enjoy this early spring rain while I can!! But first, here's a WIP Camera took when my arm forced it out the door at 5:22am.
Light rain and fog does a picture weird! Time to dress and go play in the rain for a couple of minutes! :)
I'm back!
It's NICE outside!!
Here's a 6:19 WIP.
Camera was starting to enjoy the weather with the protection of the hood in my hoodie!
Time to move it on down that road. Have a great day and I hope you have wonderful spring showers to play in, even if only for a couple of minutes!!
Love and Happiness to you, Travelers!