Habits are hard to break. I keep telling myself to start doing the Front Porch Report AFTER work instead of before but I just love the peace that exists in the morning. You cannot get it any other time of day. The pictures would be nicer in the afternoon light, that's for sure. We'll see. OBACE evaluated the weather before consulting the We-Gues, and decided the Porch is enjoying partly cloudy skies, because there was a star winking in and out of the cloud cover. First star seen in almost 3 days. It was determined that the temp is in the high 30's low 40's because there was no need for protective covering, aka sweater/jacket/long sleeve shirt. There is a very slight breeze, so if the We-Gues say the winds are calm, OBACE will stay calm as well. Humidity is all on the Weather-Guessers shoulders. Now, lets go check-in with the We-Gues. Light rain? LIARS!!! Not a single drop fell the entire time OBACE was out enjoying the morning. 46°... um... that puts the temp in the mid 40's. OK! OK! OBACE is wrong, the We-Gues scored on that one. 3 mph winds. Both right regarding the breeze. 93% humidity. Unable to argue with that. But the opticals are squinting their suspicions.
See that star!? Kinda hard to spot, but it is there! Light rain, my foot!! --- My foot... what's that mean? No time left!! Proof read later! Must run! Love and Happiness to you, my Fellow Travelers!