Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Nose Woke Up

All righty then. Let's go see what 25° is gonna feel like this morning...
Chilly. We have a wind advisory for today. Gusts up to 45 mph. With an expected high of 28° I'd say we're in for a bitter cold day. 
Once again, the street light was the only thing with enuf illumination to pose for a picture with anything recognizable in it. Let's go try again.
All righty then!...
The predawn blue has begun. My nose woke up the second trip out to the Front Porch. What I smelled I have always associated with rain. I was told as a child it was ozone. Now, I question that. Whatever it is, I love the smell. And how it makes me feel when it's noticeable. May the fragrances that bring good things to you be predominant along your journey, Travelers. 
Love and Happiness to you!