Didn't step out onto the Front Porch until after 10 this morning. One of the luxuries of a day off. Sleeping in, if one so chooses. Other luxuries might include a fantastic pasta salad and Pepsi for breakfast, (yes, you read that right) and a quiet morning spent swapping to Chrome for a web browser. A late morning well spent. Now, I'm taking a break from searching for a dinner recipe to regale my reader with this drivel. How does Baked Chicken with Parmesan Cheese sound? I can tell you how it sounds to me. EASY. That is the first and most important ingredient of ANY recipe that would be in my book. If I had a book. The weather is drizzle-ly. Love that word. Drizzle-ly. It really isn't a word. Drizzly is. But I like saying the ull before vocalizing the ly. It's overcast, with a drizzle of substance. I guess that would make it a freezing rain, but it isn't really. More like a very light slushy drizzle. Oh man... too many brain cells being burnt here. Let's finish the weather. 35°, overcast (I'm thinkin; the We-Gues went with overcast cus the drizzle-ly, slushy, freezing wet stuff falling from the sky is so light it's not registering on their radar), 85% humidity and East winds of the 5 mph persuasion. Ok, I'm saying it one more time. It's a drizzle-ly day. And gray. In my book that is NOT a bad day. But then, I am inside, where it's dry and cozy. Probably a huge deciding factor when one goes about classifying a gray day. Gray happens to be one of my favorite colors right now. I have no idea when that happened. But gray is awesome!
May all your gray days be of the good order and spent in contentment. Speaking of which- Contentment and Boredom. Not the same thing. Two entirely different critters that, for some reason, are confused with one another all the time. And they don't look anything alike! Love and Happiness to you, Travelers!
May all your gray days be of the good order and spent in contentment. Speaking of which- Contentment and Boredom. Not the same thing. Two entirely different critters that, for some reason, are confused with one another all the time. And they don't look anything alike! Love and Happiness to you, Travelers!