Saturday, March 4, 2017

Pollen Coronas And Sun Halos

Check this picture out! Big Brother shared this with me!
 Is that not MOST beautiful!?! Photographer Harald Edens, the person who took this picture, says it is a Pollen Corona. When the Juniper Trees in New Mexico release their pollen, sometimes there is so much of it in the sky, the sun shining thru it makes for a spectacular display. He went on to say this is one of the best he has seen in 14 years. I'm remembering now that I HAVE seen this or a similar phenomenon several times as a kid on the desert. I asked Mama what it was and she thought it was humidity in the air causing a rainbow around the sun. That phenomenon is called a sun halo. Anyway, I'm not sure which I have seen or if I have seen both. But I do know they are beautiful!!