Friday, March 31, 2017


This mornings WIP not only illustrates the weather but also a couple out walking their dogs. It took about 5 minutes for the Goose in me to show up and send me scrambling back into the house. That's what I get for stepping out without a coat. Let's see if the weather has updated. They're taking their sweet time there. (I had too! How many times does one get the chance to use they're,their and there in the same sentence!?) Ahhh, here we go with the lousy phone service. Well, while I wait for the signal to randomly wander by and allow Phone to do it's job, here's a pic from yesterday.
This fella and about a dozen of his kin have taken over the morning breakfast that I throw out for the crows. The crows seem to have moved on to greener pastures. They stopped by before the seagulls showed up, took a morsel, then flew off. They seemed uninterested in what I had to offer. 5 minutes later and the gulls showed up. 
And we have liftoff! The current condition are 27°, explains the Goose, 78% humidity, fair skies and calm winds. Ta-Da! I'm off and running! Not literally. I can no longer run. It's more like a fast waddle. Fast being a slight exaggeration. Nuff said! Work! Must go now! Have a wonderful day, Travelers. May Love and Happiness be with you, ALWAYS!!