Thursday, March 23, 2017

Already Know I Got Nuttin'

I got nuttin'. I haven't set foot outside or checked the weather but I already know I got nuttin'. An upset stomach. Does that count? *heavy sigh* Gettin' off me derriere to step outside. Checkin' the weather too...
Phone, gotta love Phone, managed to capture a signal which managed to load the weather page which has, in turn, informed me that it is 14° with 6 mph winds giving us a wind chilled temp of 5°. Brisk, to say the least. Might as well have stepped out naked for all the good my flannel jammies did me. It was a very brief visit to the Front Porch. 38% humidity and fair skies. Possible snow Friday, turning to rain Friday night. Possible snow Sunday night into Monday as well. That's a whole lotta nuttin' for someone who's got nuttin'. Gotta love the weather.
Have a good day, Fellow Travelers. May your stomach never get upset with you!
Camera did the best it could do, considering what it had to work with. Managed to catch the single star in the sky. Gotta love Camera!
Done here.
One more thing-
I love you! And may the light of happiness always find you, even when things get dark!
Yer right, that's two things!