Friday, March 31, 2017

Geese Gulls Crows and A Squirrel

On my way to work this morning and these guys flew over my head. They were beautiful, but they made me realize how seriously distracted I can get while driving. I'm gonna hafta make a concentrated effort to keep my eyes on the road. 
I safely got to work, without any more distractions, and saw this Seagull flying by. He's too tiny in the picture to show you what I saw. The sun shining on that bird had it glowing so bright I didn't think it was a bird at first. It looked like a bright star moving thru the sky in broad daylight! Gorgeous!! 
Then we had a bit of a show down over some sunflower seeds I threw out for the Crows. Wasn't Seagulls this time. A shy Squirrel would come down off the snow only when he thought the Crows weren't watching. Although the Crows were never aggressive, every time one got too close, Squirrel bolted up the snowbank like lightning. He managed to get his share of munchables, tho. The Crows are well fed and have no issues with sharing.
An awesome morning!
Have a good night, and a good sleep with good dreams, Travelers!
Much Love To You!!


This mornings WIP not only illustrates the weather but also a couple out walking their dogs. It took about 5 minutes for the Goose in me to show up and send me scrambling back into the house. That's what I get for stepping out without a coat. Let's see if the weather has updated. They're taking their sweet time there. (I had too! How many times does one get the chance to use they're,their and there in the same sentence!?) Ahhh, here we go with the lousy phone service. Well, while I wait for the signal to randomly wander by and allow Phone to do it's job, here's a pic from yesterday.
This fella and about a dozen of his kin have taken over the morning breakfast that I throw out for the crows. The crows seem to have moved on to greener pastures. They stopped by before the seagulls showed up, took a morsel, then flew off. They seemed uninterested in what I had to offer. 5 minutes later and the gulls showed up. 
And we have liftoff! The current condition are 27°, explains the Goose, 78% humidity, fair skies and calm winds. Ta-Da! I'm off and running! Not literally. I can no longer run. It's more like a fast waddle. Fast being a slight exaggeration. Nuff said! Work! Must go now! Have a wonderful day, Travelers. May Love and Happiness be with you, ALWAYS!!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Winds Howling

Good morning. I have .... Um... got distracted and now I can't remember what I had... I gotta get ready for work. That thought won't leave my head which is keeping any other more interesting thoughts from manifesting. Occasionally I do entertain an interesting thought... Occasionally... You know, when life is full of kids and cats and dogs and people, there is always so much to observe and ponder. But with the absence of those things, all you really have to focus on is yourself. How utterly boring. *Humphf* I gotta get ready for work. Otherwise my brain will not be free to think of any thing else. I'll be back!... Alrighty then. But for my shoes, I am now ready for work. As a result, I found my self considering the twiddling of my thumbs. Twiddle... that's a funny word. A good word, to be sure, but funny to me. I'm trying to remember if I have ever, EVER, seen anyone actually twiddle their thumbs. Besides myself. And that was only to see myself deliberately do it and not as a result of a nervous tic. That don't count... I need to check the weather!!! 32° out there. Ain't been out there yet. Waiting till the last minute before I need to head to work. That's the only time there is enuf light to allow Camera to play for a bit. "Winds howling." Ok, For those of you who are not gamers, that is something Geralt of Rivia said over and over again throughout the Witcher games. I found myself repeating it right after him EVERY time. Annoying much. I'm not sure, but it may have been a cue to ready up the good ole Thunderbolt Potion. It worked better during stormy weather. The 5 mph winds Front Porch is supposedly entertaining right now aren't exactly howling winds. 61% humidity and fair skies... Oooh! fair slies? Perhaps the predawn blue is happenin'!! Be Back!!...
Bluey!! I love bluey!
I'm done here. Time to move it. The weather! I, that is to say OBACE, agrees with the weather summation this morning. And 5 mile per hour winds brought the featherless goose in me to attention! May your featherless goose appearances be brief and put back to sleep quickly by the warmth of a cozy place to be, my Fellow Travelers! Much Love to you, always!
Did you know the Moon, the Sun and the Solar System don't have proper names because they are THE Moon, THE Sun and THE Solar System? Like they're the only ones that count. Well, I guess for us, they are the only ones that count, but still, I find that kinda skewed. Jupiter has dozens of moons and they all get proper names. *humphf* 
Time to shut up and go!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Partly Sunny My Foot

Partly sunny, my foot! Do you see ANY sunny at all in this WIP? A WIP taken at... hold on... gotta check... at 4:42 this very pm.
Wow. I need to clean my camera lens. 
Hey! Look what Jack Frost left on my windshield this morning...
It was a lot purdier in person. 
 You white haired hunk of battle scars! Shall we continue our quest to become a monster fighter extraordinaire? Oui? Off to Toussaint, then! But get your armor on. We're fighting monsters, dude.

Breakfast Hamburger And Frosty Art

If I had anything besides nuttin' this morning it was totally forgotten. The possible sumpin' was replaced by an overwhelming urge to have a leftover hamburger for breakfast. A hamburger which I am thoroughly enjoying as I try to type this with one hand. :) 
The weather is warming up. BUT! We do have possible snow in our Saturday future. I'm thinking that's too far into our future for the We-Gues to be making that call, given their track record. As for the present, we have 35°, 96% hum., calm winds and overcast skies. Skies which should be clearing this afternoon. Hamburger --- Yummy! 
May all your breakfasts be thoroughly enjoyable, my Fellow Travelers!
Hold on!
Totally forgot that I was almost late to work yesterday because I got so enthralled by a sparkly!! Check out what Jack Frost painted on my windshield Yesterday morning!

Frosty is quite the artist!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


33°-96% humidity-vrbl 3 mph winds-fog/mist. The weather inna nutshell.
Just gettin' to that predawn blue when I stepped out on the Front Porch. Chilly enuf to get goosebumply.
*heavy sigh* 
I got nuttin'. Nutin', nuttin', nuttin'.
Have a great grand and glorious day, Travelers!
Love and happiness to you!
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Luxuries Of A Day Off

Didn't step out onto the Front Porch until after 10 this morning. One of the luxuries of a day off. Sleeping in, if one so chooses. Other luxuries might include a fantastic pasta salad and Pepsi for breakfast, (yes, you read that right) and a quiet morning spent swapping to Chrome for a web browser. A late morning well spent. Now, I'm taking a break from searching for a dinner recipe to regale my reader with this drivel. How does Baked Chicken with Parmesan Cheese sound? I can tell you how it sounds to me. EASY. That is the first and most important ingredient of ANY recipe that would be in my book. If I had a book. The weather is drizzle-ly. Love that word. Drizzle-ly. It really isn't a word. Drizzly is. But I like saying the ull before vocalizing the ly. It's overcast, with a drizzle of substance. I guess that would make it a freezing rain, but it isn't really. More like a very light slushy drizzle. Oh man... too many brain cells being burnt here. Let's finish the weather. 35°, overcast (I'm thinkin; the We-Gues went with overcast cus the drizzle-ly, slushy, freezing wet stuff falling from the sky is so light it's not registering on their radar), 85% humidity and East winds of the 5 mph persuasion. Ok, I'm saying it one more time. It's a drizzle-ly day. And gray. In my book that is NOT a bad day. But then, I am inside, where it's dry and cozy. Probably a huge deciding factor when one goes about classifying a gray day. Gray happens to be one of my favorite colors right now. I have no idea when that happened. But gray is awesome!
May all your gray days be of the good order and spent in contentment. Speaking of which- Contentment and Boredom. Not the same thing. Two entirely different critters that, for some reason, are confused with one another all the time. And they don't look anything alike! Love and Happiness to you, Travelers!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Infinitely Lucky

26° on the Front Porch. So sayeth the Weather-Guessers. What kind of 26, you ask? Well, let me tell ya. I was able to enjoy an actual fanny-planted visit to the Front Porch. A brief one. Briefer than expected after reading the current conditions. The fair skies were noted, the calm winds promised no wind chill, while the humidity was ignored. Upon planting the fanny, it was the breezes that prevented a longer stay. Breezes? What happened to the "calm winds!" The weather guessers said calm winds!
Get this, tho. Another prime example of how slow I am on the uptake, I was out there actually thinking that the noise predominating the morning... well, aside from the birds, not ONE of whom posed for a picture, was the traffic noise. I started thinking to myself, "the traffic noise this morning sounds delightfully like the wind thru the pines." After a moment, I started thinking to myself, "the traffic noise sounds suspiciously like the wind thru the pines." And finally, after glancing up at the swaying tops of the surrounding pines, I thought "that's not the traffic noise. It's the wind thru the pines!"
 The We-Gues deserved a second slinging of the epithet. You know, my own wind chimes should have clued me in sooner. But I'm not quick to put two and two together anymore, if at all.
The wind thru the pines and my wind chimes... A superior soundtrack to a beautiful morning!
Wouldn't you agree?
May there be beauty for you to enjoy in ALL your mornings while you travel this universe, my Fellow Travelers of this Universe. I feel infinitely lucky to have such mornings in the good company of the We-Gues, Dark and/or Light, the Front Porch, Camera, and Phone. And with my five traditional Senses.
Indeed. I am infinitely lucky.
Now, what did I do with my coffee?...

Saturday, March 25, 2017

A Nice Evening

Calm winds, fair skies, 76% humidity and 37°. A nice evening. Camera shot the sun as it was sinking behind the neighbors trees.
Sleep well and sweet Dreams, Travelers!

Remove All Doubt

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. 
Abraham Lincoln
Well, whoopsie... Good advice, but I seem to have forgotten when to shut up.
The weather breakfast for today... hey, where's Phone? ... Hiding in the bathroom. Like it has ANY reason to be in there at all. Weather! 34°. Since I haven't stepped out on the Front Porch yet, I don't know if we have a warm or cold 34°. I'll be sure to let you know. It's that whole speak out and remove all doubt thing I suffer from. 89% humidity, calm winds and mostly cloudy skies have been served up with the main entree'. Sounds delicious for a cold repast. Must go sample some!

Chilly. But not so chilly as to bring on the horripilation that turns me into a giant featherless goose. 
Dark. Too dark to get a decent image from Camera or Phone. They're stubborn and insist on light.
Quiet. Even the traffic noise was minimal.
Wet. It smells wet out there. But not a bad wet smell. Closer to a rain wet smell without rain.
Coffee. Taste is kinda reliant on me cramming something down the gullet, like coffee.
Time to go!
May your senses thrill and delight you in many ways today, my Fellow Travelers!
Much Love to you!
And Happiness, too!
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln
Read more at:
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln
Read more at:

Friday, March 24, 2017


Been snowing all day. Pretty snow that isn't accumulating much. Current weather conditions are 34°, with light snow/fog/mist, 92% humidity and 5 mph southerly winds. Pretty...

Wears The Same Clothes

A quick sum up with regards to the five traditionally recognized senses:
Olfacoception= fireplace
Ophthalmoception= stars
Audioception= traffic
Tactioception= cold
Gustaoception= coffee
So, how's your morning?
Are those senses awake yet?
I was gonna post another picture of the dark, but that's rather pointless, I think. I mean, seriously, the whole point of a picture is to see something. Hopefully, something interesting. The dark doesn't have much of a wardrobe to show off. At least, not as far as my visual perception can discern. For all I know Dark wears the same clothes every single day. How unimaginative, some might think. Honestly though, can you imagine Dark looking into a full closet and asking Light  "Darling, I look rather swarthy this morning. Should I stick with the darker palette or go with something pastel?" On the other hand, how wonderfully straightforward and uncomplicated. 364 pairs of the same pants. I LIKE IT!! Decisive and confident.
It's time for me to go. Now to pick out something to wear. What do you think, darling? Dark, vivid or pastel?
Decisions decisions.
May all your decisions be easily made and comfortably lived with!
Love and Happiness I wish for you, along with huge helpings of the 3 G's, the 6 L's and the big D!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Already Know I Got Nuttin'

I got nuttin'. I haven't set foot outside or checked the weather but I already know I got nuttin'. An upset stomach. Does that count? *heavy sigh* Gettin' off me derriere to step outside. Checkin' the weather too...
Phone, gotta love Phone, managed to capture a signal which managed to load the weather page which has, in turn, informed me that it is 14° with 6 mph winds giving us a wind chilled temp of 5°. Brisk, to say the least. Might as well have stepped out naked for all the good my flannel jammies did me. It was a very brief visit to the Front Porch. 38% humidity and fair skies. Possible snow Friday, turning to rain Friday night. Possible snow Sunday night into Monday as well. That's a whole lotta nuttin' for someone who's got nuttin'. Gotta love the weather.
Have a good day, Fellow Travelers. May your stomach never get upset with you!
Camera did the best it could do, considering what it had to work with. Managed to catch the single star in the sky. Gotta love Camera!
Done here.
One more thing-
I love you! And may the light of happiness always find you, even when things get dark!
Yer right, that's two things!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Nose Woke Up

All righty then. Let's go see what 25° is gonna feel like this morning...
Chilly. We have a wind advisory for today. Gusts up to 45 mph. With an expected high of 28° I'd say we're in for a bitter cold day. 
Once again, the street light was the only thing with enuf illumination to pose for a picture with anything recognizable in it. Let's go try again.
All righty then!...
The predawn blue has begun. My nose woke up the second trip out to the Front Porch. What I smelled I have always associated with rain. I was told as a child it was ozone. Now, I question that. Whatever it is, I love the smell. And how it makes me feel when it's noticeable. May the fragrances that bring good things to you be predominant along your journey, Travelers. 
Love and Happiness to you!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I Don't Get It

Checked the weather on Phone just now and 39°!!??
BRB! OBACE must check this out!
It is warmer, definitely, but OBACE registered a distinct horripilation reaction almost immediately. I DON"T GET THAT. I've read a couple of articles on Google that try to explain why 8° one morning doesn't set off the sensors in OBACE for quite some time, but a 39° morning sets them off immediately. ???????????! In OBACE'S mainframe THIS DOES NOT COMPUTE!
Trying to keep an eye on the clock. The street light was the only thing posing for a picture when I stepped out on the Front Porch and turned into a goosebump. But I saw the Moon! Hiding behind a 
tree! It should be in a good position for a picture shortly 
there is enuf light for Camera to work with. BRB...
Well.... humphf...
Although it's starting to get predawn bluey, Camera struggles with so little light. Phone does a little better but still too dark. I've played all I can this morning. No time left. Have a great day, Travelers.
LOVE and HAPPINESS to you, always!
See it!? The Moon! 
Is beautiful!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Clear Bright And Windy

It's clear, bright and windy on the Front Porch. Wind chill has the temp at 25° but really it's 32°. The winds are variable around 7 mph and the humidity is 38%. After taking the WIP, when I "TURN TO THE RIGHT!" turned, there was the moon. Quietly putting in a daytime appearance. 
Camera kept it's focus on the tree branch in the foreground. I have yet to figure out how to ask it to please focus past the foreground, so the moon in blur is my fault. Camera had nothing to do with it. I need to put on my M.C. Hammer parachute pants and start chanting "It's Google Time!" so I remember to Google the camera focusing how-to's.
I have a lot to learn.
By the way, Camera is an AWESOME camera. It has wonderful features and settings options. When the poor thing can no longer endure my abuse and expires, I want one JUST like it! After much research and the answering of many questions, it truly is the perfect camera for me. G, one more time honey, THANK YOU, for Camera!! Somehow you knew we'd be the perfect fit!
Have a three G day, and may the wonderful L's visit you often. Grab onto them when you can! They don't mind and there's plenty to go around!! Te quiero, my Fellow Travelers of this Fabulous Universe!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dream Well

26° this morning

40° this afternoon

38° this evening
Sleep well, Travelers. And Dream well.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sun Snow Shadow Selfy

Good night, Travelers. May nothing but the sweetest dreams visit you tonight.

One Step In Front Of The Other

Such a long time with the I got nuttin's. The whole thing about the "I got nuttin's" is that I KNOW, without any doubt, I got sumpin' everyday. Every single day something worth remembering happens. EVERYDAY. What makes my head suffer the "I got nuttin's" and prevents me from remembering that 'something' is a mystery to me. But I'll plod along, one foot in front of the other, until my head opens up to the wonders of everyday life again. There's always the weather....
They wanted equal billing this morning. Even tho they couldn't capture much but the dark, equal billing werks fer me. It's 8° on the Front Porch, yet I was able to stand out there comfortably for a long time. I don't get that at all, but I love it. Clear skies, calm winds and 80% humidity complete the weather recipe for this morning.The moon and stars were beautiful, but my ears took over this morning. A total WOW moment. There was complete silence. I listened, intently, for anything, yet I heard nothing but peace. After a while, way off in the distance, I heard what may have been a helicopter. It was indeed a WOW moment. May you have many, many WOW moments as you journey, Travelers. And may Love and Happiness be yours as well.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Nuttin' But The Weather

It's a cold 6° on the Front Porch. Clouds drifting by the Moon looked so pretty. Calm winds right now and humidity is hovering at 80%. Must ready for work. Have a Great Grand and Glorious day as you travel thru this Universe. 
Love and happiness to you, always.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

I Got Nuttin' Part... Umm, I Forget

It was cold, 24° wind chilled down to 17°, but pretty on the Front Porch when I got home. Did anyone see the sunrise? Here, we had a spectacular one, presenting a photo op that I, of course, missed as I was driving to work. Caught a split second glimpse of it in my review mirror. Drove around trying to find A: a clear view of said sunrise and B: a clear view that wasn't obstructing traffic. I've never been in the mood to pay a traffic fine. I have MUCH better things to do with my money. The end result, no sunrise photo for me. *heavy sigh* 
Goodnight, dear Travelers. Dream sweet Dreams as you slumber. ... :) ... slumber... not sure why but that word amuses me :) ... hmmm...  maybe... well... nope, I got nuttin'.
Sweet slumbering I wish for you!

Hot Coffee Goes Cold

20°, 62% humidity, overcast with 3 mph W winds. Bye!
Just kidding. About the bye. The current weather really IS the current weather. Playing with Camera on the Front Porch has given me more evidence that I have SO much to learn about cameras.

The first pic is closer to what I actually saw sitting on the Front Porch at 5:30 this morning. The second is with the ISO on Camera at max setting. Yeah. Lots to learn. But I don't mind saying that the moon is beautiful! Hope you see it this morning. A quick run down of the sensory input as noted while on the Front Porch: Touch- it was cold out there (deliciously warm in here tho). Sight- the Moon and the Stars shining this morning are beautiful, as always. Hearing- other than my own incessant humming of  'Bones In The Sky', all was peacefully quiet and still. No traffic noise at all. Smell- I find myself once again asking, why doesn't coffee taste as good as it smells? Which brings us to Taste- yuck. Coffee NEVER tastes like it smells. Oh, and 20° turns hot coffee cold REALLY fast. 
May you always find ways to engage those senses, Travelers. They hold the keys to enjoying life, even when hot coffee goes cold!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

And Now We Have Today

On March 13th the Front Porch looked on this
Then, on March 14th at around noon it saw this
And now we have today, March 15th at 7:30 this morning
Can't find an official total so I went out and measured the depth of the snow where I knew the ground was bare when the storm started. I also choose a place that I hope wasn't affected by the drifting. Our Front Yard has just under 12". Quite the storm. I must ready for work now, which has been delayed until 11am. But what about todays current conditions you ask. We have... seriously... " a few clouds" it says. I guess I can't argue with that, but 'partly cloudy' is a perfectly fine description. 24° sounds right. 77% humidity. Uh-huh. 10 mph winds. Yep. I felt the 14° windchill out there while shoveling the porch. Toodles Travelers! I must shower. The people at work appreciate it when I do :)
By the way, any of you ever hear Dan Fogelberg's  'Bones In The Sky'? A beautiful little tribute to Georgia O'Keeffe when she passed. For some reason it brought another, who has also passed, home to me for a moment.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

It's Snowing Out There

It's snowing out there!!! ... Is there an echo in here?...

*Heavy Sigh*

Daylight Savings Time. What a nuisance. Until the days grow long and the morning brightens Camera will be unable to take a decent WIP in the a.m. Phone managed to kinda sorta somewhat try to take a WIP but the dark proved a bit too much.

As for the weather, we begin with fair skies? The cloud cover kept obscuring the moon so OBACE disagrees. It's partly to mostly cloudy out there. 23°? OBACE concurs. 72% humidity? The squinty-eyed suspicion is automatic in OBACE as far as the humidity is concerned. 5 mph winds? OBACE agrees as there is a breeze blowing out there right now. That's it? How boring. BUT!! We have only to wait a bit for not so boring weather to hit. They still say the storm is coming. How am I supposed to take a before picture in the dark!? Must leave for work now. 
Toodles, Travelers! Until this afternoon!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Chippy Sighting And A Nor'easter On The Way

We covered the whole shooting a picture thru a window issue. No need to re-hash. Here is the Chippy that loves to get on the Back Porch by the sliding glass door and taunt Noche' with "neener-neener-neener." I hope he doesn't get too over confident and neener-neener-neener a cat that has no glass in front of it.
I guess the storm is 100% probable now. Would "100% probable" be considered an oxymoron? Starting tomorrow morning between 8 and 11am the snow is expected to be so heavy that it will only take a few hours to accumulate up to 9 inches. Then another 9 inches is expected to fall over night into Wednesday morning. Uh-huh. An all day event 'they' call it. Well, I'll be going to work at 7am, but I will also be leaving the second the snow gets heavy. That way I'll make it home before the streets start getting too slippery for good ole Trusty. What a good steed Trusty is. He only has a couple of limitations and slippery roads is one of them. And that's all right! I love his short little legs!! Good night Travelers! Have sweet dreams!