Saturday, September 30, 2017

Cutis Happened

It happened this morning. A full blown case of cutis anserina. It's only 45° on the Front Porch. I'm not sure why such a mild temp would bring out the cutis. The wind, I'm thinkin'. The Wee-Gees claim that the winds are calm. WRONG! Cutis never happened till I got hit with the breeze. 77% humidity. Since the humidity will always be a mystery to me, the squinty eye of suspicion raises its questioning eyebrow every time I read the number. How often have the Wee-Gees been wrong about that!? Mostly cloudy skies. Yep. I thought it was completely overcast until the sun finally came up and painted the clouds above the house.

A Crow across the street took off when I tried to catch the color the sun put on the trees.
  A barely visible silhouette of him was a total accident. I didn't even know he was there. Hmm... I must look closer, blur or no blur.
Ok. That was him.
Must go now!
Played too long with computer!
Have a good day!!
And remember,