Friday, September 8, 2017

What's With The Hornets

It's gorgeous out.

49°, 97% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. Yep. Sounds about right. Good job, Wee-Gees. 
Okay, what's with the Hornets? These are Hornets, right? No time for Google.
Picture is blurry cus I didn't like getting so close to something that can most definitely cause me pain. Anyway, they just sit there. I know they're alive cus one of them moved a leg. Once. If they are drinking the sugar water, then they have endless pits for stomachs. Can they seriously drink for 5 minutes and not get full? Maybe they're guarding the feeder. That would explain why I haven't seen Chartreuse and Khaki in so long. Well, there's that, or they could be migrating their little Hummingbird bodies to winter grounds now. Time to bring the feeder in. When the Hornets leave.
May Love and Happiness be yours throughout the day!!
Happy B-Day K!