Sunday, September 10, 2017

To The Beach

Today was a gorgeous day. We started out with 52°, 93% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. Unfortunately, the calm winds weren't so calm and,
well, a long awaited, and now third time cancelled, balloon ride didn't happen. So, Baby Sis took me and her to the beach. 
Thanks, Baby Sis.

We found a swing and sat for a little while.

The view from the swing was beautiful.

The waves were also beautiful,

and the color of jade.

We saw Gulls




An, as of yet, unidentified bird
(Update: I love Google. Eastern Wood Pewee!)
(An update to the update: I've proofread the text and examined the photos of this post at least half a dozen times, finding an unacceptable error each time, and I never saw the insect flying above the branches! Well,  until now :)

A Bluejay (he truly is in that tangle of branches)

The same BlueJay is hiding in this next picture.
Can you find him?

There was also a beautiful daytime moon to see.


Beach art (bonfires are prohibited)

A Lobster Buoy (briefly mistaken for a seal)

A rather interesting piece of driftwood.
Is it a serpent or,

a dog hiking its leg?

We saw a rather large painted rock holding a bunch of balloons.
Lizard, frog, turtle maybe?

But before we saw any of this, a Crow said hello while we were at the gas station.

As did a couple of turkeys as we headed to the beach.

Sis, thanks once again for one of the best photography adventures I have ever been on!
Now, if I had just gotten a picture of the two deer that ran across the road on the way back...