Friday, September 29, 2017

A Dongle Is What

The WIP cannot convey the chilliness on the Front Porch. I like the Wee-Gees this morning. We agree on all 4 courses of the weather breakfast. 41 dees-grees with 89% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. Some kinda dish delish!!
My eyes itch.
I had several Crows visit but not a single one posed for a portrait. I also had a visit from a Mourning Dove. 
Quite the noisy wings. Since these appendages were used frequently, more like constantly, the prevailing sound this morning was M Dove fluttering from tree to tree. Camera managed to capture a single... what on Earth is a dongle!? DIGRESSION much. I misspelled single as songle so I used spell correct to, umm, you know, correct. My first choice in the list of possible correct words was dongle. Huh?... It's soo gotta be Google time!
Dongle: a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer, especially to allow access to wireless broadband or use of protected software. 
Well, how bout that. Learn sumpin' new everyday.
A most humorous word.
Conjured up some rather risque' images for some reason.
And I can imagine why.
Okay! Moving on now!
Um, ok...
Where was I?
I can't be the only one who finds this humorous...
I'm done now.
Must work.
WHO comes up with these names!?
Have a great day, Travelers! And may any new enlightenments that pass your way be... well, enlightening!! 
Te quiero!