Thursday, September 28, 2017

Waiting For The Weather To Update

Dark on the Front Porch. Lots of Crickets singing. So warm and humid I'm sweating. What does it mean when you smell clove all the time? Smells good, but there's no clove around to account for the smell. Coffee was one notch up from putrid with the addition of a tiny amount of ground cinnamon in the filter. DO NOT use cinnamon in a paper filter. Clogs it up and makes for a terrible mess on the counter. 
The current weather is °, with % humidity, winds and skies.
That looks funny.
Reads funny, too.
I'm waiting for the weather service to update the current conditions. It's updated at 7 minutes before the current hour. It is exactly 6 am as I write this, so they updated 7 minutes ago. Takes a bit of time to finally get an online update. Typed some form of the word 'update' 4, now 5 times. Must be the word of the day.
Still waiting at 6:01...
*heavy sigh*
ahh, c'mon!...
what the h---?
71° (I knew it was hot out there), 94% humidity, calm winds (I knew the winds were calm cus ANY breeze would have felt wonderful considering how hot and humid it is) and, oh... seriously? Overcast skies? I couldn't tell. Too dark. A 20% chance of a thunderstorm, the Weather Guessers say. This, coming from the Wee-Gees? Yeah, right. Won't be happening here. So sayeth the pessimist in me. Rain has been a rare thing for months. The Wee-Gees have been wrong with their predictions of rain more than they've been right. The pessimism is justified.
I'm gonna get ready for work now. Before what I feel behind my eyes turns into a full blown headache.
Shadow was my only visitor this morning. Besides the unseen cricket under the Porch.
Toodles, Travelers!
Hab dich lieb!