Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Luna And The Dragon

Stepped out the back door to go water my tomato plant and my head flashed on a picture my Baby Baby Sis took of a Luna Moth. I don't know why that prompted me to turn around and look at the screen door I had just closed, but there he was. Not a Luna but a Dragon. Sitting on the screen, pretty as you please, letting me take a picture before flying off. What an awesome way to start the morning. I had no other visitors unless you count the moon peeking over the house. 
This Luna is always pretty.

Weather WIP
We currently have a temperature of 49° with 90% humidity, calm winds and fair skies and OBACE delightfully concurs. I could've stayed.... All right! What's going on!? Digression... I had about 20 red squiggly lines of death screaming at me from the screen. I can't type this morning. I've never been able to type but... 3 more already!? ... I should have levt them a;; so you could see what I'm talking abouty. I'm not correcting another thing. Good licj to you, dear reader. I ho[e you don't get a headache trying to deciphrt what this is trying to say. Where was I? Oh yes, I could'be dstyed out side all day if work wasn't beckoning me. Alas, as i am depoendent on my paycheck I must ovbey the call. 
Let's run thru the major five before I say good day. 
Taste-coffee. But it wasn't putrid thisd morning.
Sight-well, Luna and the Dragon were definitelkuy eyecanfy.
Hearing-traffic and Crows. The Crows sing a much bertrter song tham the trafficx ever will.
Smell- my nose either isnt working or is refusing to cooperate. Wait. Of course. Nose went into self preservsstuiomn mode when Noche' used her potty biox.
Touch- best thing I have felt all morning was the cool air on the Front Porch.
Time toi bid you adieu and finish readying for work.
May your day be filled with Love and Happiness, Traverles.