I'm doing this in reverse. The Front Porch Report, that is. Backwards. Too dark to take pictures so here I am. But there is a HUGE problem with reverse. I got nuttin' for ya. Other than the "I love you" that's always buried in this report, without the sensory input from the actual Front Porch visit, I got nuttin'.
Well, there was a spider on my ceiling. He is directly responsible for my "Humphf" mood this morning.
One of those black ones with the shorter legs. About the size of a dime. In the case of spiders, size don't matter at all with regards to jump-starting the heart. However, the fact that it was positioned above the head of my bed proved to be exactly what was needed to increase the voltage.
Phone can present the current weather recipe as recorded by the Weather Guessers. Apparently, it is 55° right now, with the humidity at 74%, winds that are of the 3 mph 'vrbl' variety and skies that are fair. Obace should be able to go see for herself here in a minute. And hopefully enjoy a brief FPR photo shoot. Did I make my lunch? Yes, yes I did. Time to start the engines in OBACE,
the Organic Bipedal Anthropomorphic Climate Evaluator
and steer it out to the Porch. We'll be back.
A WIP, Weather Illustration Picture, for you.
Alrighty then, OBACE is in agreement with the Wee-Gee's assessment of the current weather conditions. EXCEPT for the wind. We have wind chimes chiming. More often than not the chimes only sound when the winds are at approximately 7 mph. The general consensus is that the side of the house and the trees surrounding the chimes protect them from gentler breezes. Couple that with a chill in the air, specifically, a wind chill, that made a 55 degree temperature threaten to bring on a case of horripilation, leads OBACE to believe that the Wee-Gee's have once again proven their ineptitude. We have greater than 3 mph winds going on out there.
No visitors to the Front Porch, however the lady across the street had someone show up to her porch. Please forgive the blur in ALL pictures. Wrong setting, (landscape instead of stop action) and the subject was moving rather fast.
Pretty fella. I'm thinkin' it's a fella cus he moseyed around to the side of her house where he commenced with the marking of his territory.
He wears his socks like Noche. Ankle socks in front and knee socks in back.
Have a great day today, Travelers, and since Autumn is officially here, I hope it proves to be a grand and glorious one for you.
Love and Happiness to you, ALWAYS!!