Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Phone Says

Phone says that NWS says that we have Fog. And that we have 64°, calm winds and 96% humidity to go along with that fog. That has yet to be confirmed as OBACE has not been steered out onto the Front Porch yet. Too dark. OBACE's optical receptors require a certain amount of light in order to function properly. Camera definitely struggles in low light. Ya know, an unripe avocado is not very tasty. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Anyway, I'm waiting till the last minute to rev up the engines and drive OBACE to the beloved Front Porch for a climate evaluation. I need to finish making my lunch. Since Camera is usually clutched in one of OBACE's appendages when the Front Porch visit occurs, Camera seconds the notion of a last minute visit, in the hopes that some measure of light will be available to play with. Okay, monitor claims it is now 6 am. Let's go see if we can see anything. C'mon, Camera.
Definitely foggy. Definitely 64°. Can't confirm or deny the humidity percentage. BUT!, the tree limbs are definitely moving so the winds are not calm.
The senses were awakened this morning. The smell of the ocean was strong, the feel of the fog was cool and damp, the sight of the fog fooled me into thinking I needed to clean my glasses, which I actually did, the taste of my avocado was disappointing, but not my eggs or tomato, and the shattering of a peaceful quiet morning by the sudden and violently loud sounds of a cat fight right next door launched me straight up off the porch and set the ole ticker to poundin' triple time. Way to ruin the moment, Cats. 
Okay, time for work.
Have a great day, Travelers, and may the weather recipes sent your way be delicious, and your heart never jolted by cats fighting. Something about that sound raises the anxiety level in me to near panic mode.