Wednesday, July 26, 2017

WIP Art Sparkly Visitor

This Weather Illustration Picture is intended to somehow convey the current fair skies, calm winds, 93% humidity and 57° weather conditions we are enjoying at the moment. The fair skies came out purdy good.

The Art
Keep trying, Camera. You and I may come up with a masterpiece yet.

The Sparkly
The orange surrounded by all that green... yep, pulled my eye right to it. An elephant could have walked by and I would have missed seeing him for such a sparkly.

The Visitor
I was so delighted to see a hummer at my feeder I forgot to readjust the settings on Camera. Missed photo op. But that's ok, there was a hummer at my feeder!!!!!!! First one I have seen all season. She was a great sparkly, too.
Have a wonderful day today, my Fellow Travelers. May there be many sparklys to enjoy on your journey!