A few pictures today.
Life was happening all around the Front Porch. Too fast for me to capture it all.
First, a list of what I missed capturing with Camera:
The Cardinal. Each time I moved around the yard to locate him, he stopped singing. So, I don't get how something so red can hide so successfully in a tree so green. I managed 4 so's. :)
The Morning Dove. Try as I might, sneaking toward the power line he was perched on, the second he caught sight of me that dove flew off. He circled around and perched on the line THREE times and still I missed him. Must have looked ridiculous, stalking around the yard like I was.
The Angry Hornet. I was too busy performing a graceless Spider Dance Ballet up the steps of the Front Porch toward the safety of the house to consider this particular encounter a photo op.
The Gorgeous Butterfly. A lot of my brain cells have been spent pondering the spastic flight of a butterfly. For them, it must be a survival thing. For me, it certainly makes photographs impossible.
The Mosquito. A lightning fast visit. I suppose I could have photographed the smear on my hand but, eww!
And now for the photos I did manage to take. A couple of them you'll have to trust my description as I am NOT a photographer. First up, the itty bitty ant that was my first visitor!
I don't know where my head was but it took me a moment to even consider Ant a visitor. Well... of course he was!!
Next came Chippy. A very thirsty Chippy. And a good thing he was. It took me forever to get my camera to try and focus on him rather than the Porch posts. I failed, but at least he's recognizable in the photo.
Then, along came Gray Squirrel, who very calmly walked right in front of me like I was nothing to be concerned with. I sat there completely entranced as he moseyed by. Like a dolt, I totally ignored the Camera in my hand until the he was moving away!
Strike a pose Gray!
As I got up from my fanny plant to leave the Front Porch, Red Squirrel made his presence known when he started fussing at me from the M Woods. Tiny little guy. I thought it was Chippy until he fussed his last fuss and shot further up the tree.
Red was quite vocal this morning. He accentuated his displeasure at moi, such unwanted company, with the customary apoplectic flipping of the tail for emphasis. Such a cute tantrum. I wonder if they suffer from high blood pressure.
Finally, as I opened the front door, I noticed this guy.
I have no idea what his name is and I didn't ask for introductions, but the way he jump-started my heart might possibly give a defibrillator a run for it's money.
As for the weather, it's 79° out there right now. The humidity has dropped to 47%, the winds are deliciously breezing at 6 mph and the skies are partly cloudy. A beautiful summer day. I just realized I didn't take a WIP. Oh well.
I did take a picture of a weed. Yet, how can anything, of any color, at any time, be considered a weed?
Remember 'The Color Purple'?
Shug: I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it.
Celie: You saying it just wanna be loved?
Shug: Yeah, Celie. Everything just wanna be loved.