Monday, July 17, 2017

Dead Battery Hinterland

I moseyed out to the Front Porch, settled my fanny on it's favorite Porch step, turned on Phone to check the weather and flipped Camera on to a dead screen brought on by a dead battery. What a total letdown. One second you're feeling good, all kinds of avian visitors in the trees posing for pictures, the next second a dead battery shatters all the contentment and replaces it with the humphf attitude. Allow me to demonstrate:
Ok, I'm over it now. 
I'm watching this show on Netflix called Hinterland. Mediocre police drama set in Wales. The director/directors have this thing for long drawn-out scenes of the lead actor's face. We are constantly pelted with these scenes in the episodes I've watched. Some of these scenes were so ludicrous I found myself loudly voicing protests. Umm, let's see, lead actor opens his bedroom door, cue the long close-up. Switch to the gratuitous moody boss silently sitting on couch. Switch back to lead actor for what isn't a close-up, but is just as painful as he proceeds to take the longest walk EVER down an extremely short hall, wearing nothing but pajama bottoms as low as they could possibly go without forcing the show's producers to change the name of the episode to The Full Monty. Back to the moody boss for "It's time to come back." A man of few words. Back to lead actor. Cue the long close-up. Back to moody bossman who glances to his left. Back to lead actor who glances at what his boss glanced at. Cue the long close-up. Back to bossman "The past is the past, Tom." Still a man of few words. Back to lead actor- cue the long close-up. By now I'm all but screaming at my computer, like the fault lies there for my choice in what to watch. This was all at the beginning of the episode. An episode I watched because now I am being entertained by counting the overly long close-ups. I don't need to say it but I will, don't bother with Hinterland. I feel sorry for the actors. What the directors did to them probably didn't do their careers any favors.
I think Camera's battery is charged. Let's go try the Front Porch again, shall we.
See that sun thru the haze?

Sunshining bright enuf to cast shadows, it is.
However, I cannot bring myself sling disparaging sobriquets at the Wee-Gees for calling the day Overcast, because I know a haze of this sort does show up on the radar as cloud cover. A lovely 65° with a 5 mph breeze and 90% humidity rounds out the current conditions on the Front Porch. A wonderful Weather Breakfast served up by none other than Mother Nature herself. Delish!
Hope you enjoyed your Weather Breakfast, Travelers, whatever was served in you neck of the woods!