Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Homey Fungus And Pansies

Good Evening.
Couldn't ask for a more beautiful evening. What with 79°, fair skies, 38% humidity and wonderfully cool SW winds at 12 mph gusting up to 18 mph. Couldn't pull off a Good Morning report. Too pressed for time. But HEY! I can sit here while my feet are being massaged and see if the brain can come up with something to go along with the current weather conditions. No time constraints other than a decent bedtime. 
Check out Homey, my foot masseur.
Homey has been massaging my feet, off and on, for almost a year now. Lately, he has started to whine about it. 10 minutes into my massage and he starts making some godawful noises. He's gonna up and quit on me anytime now. The big baby.
I got my first fungus picture of the year. Upon rereading this, I feel the need to say, "No, not a foot fungus." :) See those two yellow dots on the little island of green in the middle of the parking lot?
How bout a closer look?
There they are! You see 'em, right? Lemme show you an extreme closeup. The one on the right.
Now, I ask you, is that, or is that not, putrid looking? Summed up in a single word- YUKKO!!! I can't go and leave you with that image in your head!!
S's pansies. So pretty. A much better visual.
my Fellow Travelers!