Saturday, July 1, 2017

Crowman's Seymour

I forgot I took this picture yesterday. Might be Seymour. So dubbed by a fellow employee and friend at work. The "Crowman" has been feeding the local murder of crows for many years now. The birds know him very well and come flying out of the trees to follow his car across the parking lot. On a rocky ledge, close to where the "Crowman" parks, they all land and wait patiently for food. Seymour is the only one who's been named. He's small compared to the rest of the crows and has a very distinct, rather sickly, voice. Whether it's Seymour or not, when I pointed my camera at him, he got very nervous, threw me a look of squinty-eyed suspicion, and flew off into the trees behind. 
It is currently 70°, with 97% humidity, 3 mph winds and, as the weather guessers have put it, Heavy Rain Fog/Mist-Thunderstorm in Vicinity. Yep. I went to McD's for a Big Mac dinner (which promptly gave me hiccups that I am still putting up with) and the lightning was BEAUTIFUL!! I have no current WIP to post BUT, I did take one earlier this afternoon: 
Good night, my Fellow Travelers. May your Dreams be sweet!