A baby bird! Ok, a teenage bird. He can fly, just not so well yet. Both parents are about, fussing over him like good parents do, until he can fly off on his own. Much to his parents consternation, he parked himself right in front of my car as I was leaving work last night and posed for a portrait. Like most teenagers, he paid absolutely no attention to his parents advice to hide deeper in the foliage so the neighborhood raptors, and other predators, wouldn't make dinner out of him. Kids. You can only fervently hope that they somehow manage survive themselves. He was definitely a cutie.
Weather. Whadda we have for breakfast today? My feet hurt already just sitting at the desk. Gonna be a long day. Breakfast! Weather Breakfast! According to the Wee-Gees it is 61° with 90% humidity, overcast skies and 3 mph winds outta the East. In other words, it's NICE out! I must get out there and enjoy my moment in that nice, forthwith!
May you have a wonderful moment with your own weather breakfast, whatever flavor it might be.
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And Dream those wonderful Dreams, Travelers!