Sunday, July 23, 2017

St. George And Green Bottle Flies

Good morning. Almost 10 am and I haven't visited the Front Porch yet. Never fear F. P., I'll get there eventually. Phone can share the weather with me in the meantime. Fair skies with 67° of cool NON-GLOW weather. I need to take a class in meteorology. How can 68° yesterday be so unbelievably sweat producing and oppressive while todays 67° feel so wonderfully cool. It has to be the humidity. We're at 37% right now. Yesterdays was 81. Enough burning the brain cells with that one. The Wee-Gees are claiming the winds are at 7 mph right now. I must get out on the Porch and check the weather for myself. Must be wonderful out there. I need a WIP, anyway. As Arnold so memorably put it, "I'll be back."
Today's WIP cannot properly capture the brilliant blue in the sky right now.
Looks and feels exactly like the Weather Guessers claimed. Way to go, Wee-gees!
The down side is EVERYTHING ALIVE loves this kind of weather. I no sooner sat down on the Front Porch when I was buzzed by an extremely large insect armed with a sizable stinger. I swear he left a shadow the size of a small bird! I managed to curb my natural instinct to bolt for the door, because I had no chance to snap even one picture, and By George, I wasn't gonna be sent away that easy! ... Umm... By George... refers to a British monarch I'm guessin'... ok, ok, it's Google time.
Uh-Huh. I was wrong in my ignorant thinking. Remember, Google flashes a couple gagillion hit's on the definition of ANYTHING. The truth is probably among the gagillion, but who knows where. A quick, thereby dubious Google search, says the term originated in the 1500's as a mild oath, in the profane sense, in which the slinger of this oath is substituting George for God to avoid being blasphemous. Also, just as dubious, it is an oath of the solemn promise sort, to St. George, the patron saint of England. However that oath is now used to express mild surprise. If, by some chance, both these definitions are true, I used the oath in both ways, to convey my surprise while cursing at the same time. And here I thought I couldn't multitask anymore. :)
Now, where was I? Ah, a stinger of gigantic proportions. Thankfully, the steroid using beast lost interest and left for parts unknown. May he please feel free to stay there. My next two non-visitors were a couple of pesky flies acting as a tag team. One would incessantly buzz my face and head while the other perched and rested on the step below, taunting me to take a picture. 
Which, of course, I did.
Blasted flies! Find an elsewhere to go!!
I'm thinkin' it's pretty lame, a fly being the only thing to photograph. Lamer still, to share it here.
*Heavy Sigh*  
As I said yesterday, something more interesting is bound to show up eventually.
Have a grand day today, Travelers!