Good morning.
70°, with 87% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. The WIP illustrates all the weather conditions it can AND showcases the morning visitor. How's that for efficient! I could stop right here. But I am rather loquacious in a pifflely kinda way.
*heavy sigh* My only actual sighting of the Fox that has moved into the neighborhood. BUT!! I finally got to see him. My only concern is that he's rabid or carrying rabies. But Google assures me rabid foxes are rare. Allow me to copy paste:
Raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes are the terrestrial animals most often infected with rabies in the United States. All bites by such wildlife must be considered a possible exposure to the rabies virus.The number of rabies-related human deaths in the United States has declined from more than 100 annually at the turn of the century to one or two per year in the 1990’s. Modern day prophylaxis has proven nearly 100% successful. In the United States, human fatalities associated with rabies occur in people who fail to seek medical assistance, usually because they were unaware of their exposure.
So sayeth the CDC.
My mission, should I choose to accept it, a clear picture of our Fox neighbor. :)
A good day to you all!