I experienced quite a startle when I stepped out this morning. No sooner had the door shut when immediately I had my heart jolted by what looked like a teeny tiny little dust devil whirling across the Front Porch. It smashed into one of the posts, then veered off in a crazy spin down the steps only to loudly smash into something else, not sure what, before disappearing under the steps. It moved so fast my head never identified it, until two seconds after it vanished. That's when it shot back onto the Porch, jolting my heart a second time. Chippy. He recouped from his heart jolt much faster than I. He paused long enuf, during this second visit, to identify me as harmless. Then, in a rapid fire series of 10 inch sprints, proceeded to search the Porch and the Birdbath for breakfast.
I do not have a WIP this morning. They all came out very blurry, and I am too lazy to go out again. Maybe later.
The weather is wonderful. We have a delicious 66°, 73% humidity, calm winds and fair skies.
Ok. I think 'Maybe later' is gonna happen sooner than I thought. I must make tea and go sit outside.
I'll be back with more!
One more thing.
I just found this.
Camera was clowning around last night.
Ok. I'll be back...
What a beautiful morning. The bugs were out in force, but the bug dope was doing it's job. All of them left me alone. I sat long enough to see a hummer at my feeder.
AND! He posed for a picture!
Have a good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night!, Travelers.
Love and happiness I wish for you!