Saturday, September 30, 2017

Cutis Happened

It happened this morning. A full blown case of cutis anserina. It's only 45° on the Front Porch. I'm not sure why such a mild temp would bring out the cutis. The wind, I'm thinkin'. The Wee-Gees claim that the winds are calm. WRONG! Cutis never happened till I got hit with the breeze. 77% humidity. Since the humidity will always be a mystery to me, the squinty eye of suspicion raises its questioning eyebrow every time I read the number. How often have the Wee-Gees been wrong about that!? Mostly cloudy skies. Yep. I thought it was completely overcast until the sun finally came up and painted the clouds above the house.

A Crow across the street took off when I tried to catch the color the sun put on the trees.
  A barely visible silhouette of him was a total accident. I didn't even know he was there. Hmm... I must look closer, blur or no blur.
Ok. That was him.
Must go now!
Played too long with computer!
Have a good day!!
And remember,

Friday, September 29, 2017

A Dongle Is What

The WIP cannot convey the chilliness on the Front Porch. I like the Wee-Gees this morning. We agree on all 4 courses of the weather breakfast. 41 dees-grees with 89% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. Some kinda dish delish!!
My eyes itch.
I had several Crows visit but not a single one posed for a portrait. I also had a visit from a Mourning Dove. 
Quite the noisy wings. Since these appendages were used frequently, more like constantly, the prevailing sound this morning was M Dove fluttering from tree to tree. Camera managed to capture a single... what on Earth is a dongle!? DIGRESSION much. I misspelled single as songle so I used spell correct to, umm, you know, correct. My first choice in the list of possible correct words was dongle. Huh?... It's soo gotta be Google time!
Dongle: a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer, especially to allow access to wireless broadband or use of protected software. 
Well, how bout that. Learn sumpin' new everyday.
A most humorous word.
Conjured up some rather risque' images for some reason.
And I can imagine why.
Okay! Moving on now!
Um, ok...
Where was I?
I can't be the only one who finds this humorous...
I'm done now.
Must work.
WHO comes up with these names!?
Have a great day, Travelers! And may any new enlightenments that pass your way be... well, enlightening!! 
Te quiero!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Waiting For The Weather To Update

Dark on the Front Porch. Lots of Crickets singing. So warm and humid I'm sweating. What does it mean when you smell clove all the time? Smells good, but there's no clove around to account for the smell. Coffee was one notch up from putrid with the addition of a tiny amount of ground cinnamon in the filter. DO NOT use cinnamon in a paper filter. Clogs it up and makes for a terrible mess on the counter. 
The current weather is °, with % humidity, winds and skies.
That looks funny.
Reads funny, too.
I'm waiting for the weather service to update the current conditions. It's updated at 7 minutes before the current hour. It is exactly 6 am as I write this, so they updated 7 minutes ago. Takes a bit of time to finally get an online update. Typed some form of the word 'update' 4, now 5 times. Must be the word of the day.
Still waiting at 6:01...
*heavy sigh*
ahh, c'mon!...
what the h---?
71° (I knew it was hot out there), 94% humidity, calm winds (I knew the winds were calm cus ANY breeze would have felt wonderful considering how hot and humid it is) and, oh... seriously? Overcast skies? I couldn't tell. Too dark. A 20% chance of a thunderstorm, the Weather Guessers say. This, coming from the Wee-Gees? Yeah, right. Won't be happening here. So sayeth the pessimist in me. Rain has been a rare thing for months. The Wee-Gees have been wrong with their predictions of rain more than they've been right. The pessimism is justified.
I'm gonna get ready for work now. Before what I feel behind my eyes turns into a full blown headache.
Shadow was my only visitor this morning. Besides the unseen cricket under the Porch.
Toodles, Travelers!
Hab dich lieb!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Got No Heart

I have a headache. Aspirin. I need aspirin. 
Got no heart for the FPR this morning cus it'll make the headache worse.
The weather breakfast served up by Mama Nature today is 61°, 100% humidity, calm winds and fog.
Yep, yep, yep and yep. The Wee Gee's and I are in complete agreement. 
Here's a foggy WIP for ya.
It was noisy out. Crows, Traffic, Hacky Yakers, Chirping Chipmunks, Acorns and Pine Cones crashing to the ground, doors slamming and dogs barking. What was I saying earlier about the fog muffling the sounds and the peace found within? I lied. Forget I said it.
Have a great day, Travelers. Don't let a headache ruin it.
I've said it before, many times probably, May your life be blissfully headache free.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Phone Says

Phone says that NWS says that we have Fog. And that we have 64°, calm winds and 96% humidity to go along with that fog. That has yet to be confirmed as OBACE has not been steered out onto the Front Porch yet. Too dark. OBACE's optical receptors require a certain amount of light in order to function properly. Camera definitely struggles in low light. Ya know, an unripe avocado is not very tasty. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Anyway, I'm waiting till the last minute to rev up the engines and drive OBACE to the beloved Front Porch for a climate evaluation. I need to finish making my lunch. Since Camera is usually clutched in one of OBACE's appendages when the Front Porch visit occurs, Camera seconds the notion of a last minute visit, in the hopes that some measure of light will be available to play with. Okay, monitor claims it is now 6 am. Let's go see if we can see anything. C'mon, Camera.
Definitely foggy. Definitely 64°. Can't confirm or deny the humidity percentage. BUT!, the tree limbs are definitely moving so the winds are not calm.
The senses were awakened this morning. The smell of the ocean was strong, the feel of the fog was cool and damp, the sight of the fog fooled me into thinking I needed to clean my glasses, which I actually did, the taste of my avocado was disappointing, but not my eggs or tomato, and the shattering of a peaceful quiet morning by the sudden and violently loud sounds of a cat fight right next door launched me straight up off the porch and set the ole ticker to poundin' triple time. Way to ruin the moment, Cats. 
Okay, time for work.
Have a great day, Travelers, and may the weather recipes sent your way be delicious, and your heart never jolted by cats fighting. Something about that sound raises the anxiety level in me to near panic mode.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Breakfast Brunch Lunch Snack Dinner Dessert

The 6 am weather breakfast-
61°, 93% humidity, calm winds and fair skies.

The 10 am weather brunch-
80°, 69% humidity, vrbl 3 mph winds and fair skies.

To be continued... I hope.

The 1 pm weather lunch-
83°, 63% humidity, 8 mph South winds and fair skies.

Next, I hope, will be the late afternoon snack. Followed by dinner and finally dessert. If I remember...

The 3 pm weather snack-
82°, 64% humidity, 6 mph South winds and fair skies.

The 6 pm weather dinner-
71°, 76% humidity, 5 mph South winds and fair skies.

Now, if I remember dessert...
HEY! I remembered all day!!!

The 8 pm weather dessert-
67°, 87% humidity, calm winds and fair skies.
An entire day's worth of weather recipes!
Have a good evening, my dear Travelers. May Love and Happiness be yours!
If by some chance I am up at midnight, I'll add the midnight snack weather recipe. Chances are slim to none that's gonna happen.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

I Remembered That I Forgot

I remembered that I forgot the FPR this morning.
Here is the WIP from this morning.
I cannot remember the weather breakfast being served at the time. I did have a visitor.
I believe he lives across the street, one house over. He helped himself to a couple of the bread crumbs tossed out for the birds, then moseyed back home. At least I hope it was home. He disappeared into it's back yard.
Then there were the birds.

Now, this evening's WIP.
The dinner recipe was a warm 79°, 62% humidity, 7 mph winds out of the South and fair skies. We've cooled off. Peak high was 84° today. HOT.
I got nuttin'. Well, I got a monitor headache from watching too much "Hell On Wheels", but that's not worth mentioning. Whoops. Already did. Speaking of Hell On Wheels, it took a while for me to warm up to the show. It's story is scattered all over the place and not in a good way. Like the show didn't know what story it was trying to tell. I'm still not sure if I'm 5 seasons into it because its a good show or because I like watching Anson Mount. Oh, who am I kidding, the show isn't that good. I like Anson Mount. He's a good actor being wasted in a lousy series.
Have a wonderful evening, Travelers. I think chances are good for it. Evenings are generally wonderful.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

I Began With I

I slept. I slept 10 hours. I never sleep 10 hours. I lie. I sometimes do. I find it to be a rare occurrence. I must have needed it. I feel rather refreshed. I am also full. I ate a rather large breakfast. I had a hamburger patty, over half an avocado and half of a large lemon tomato. I also had coffee. I shoulda had Pepsi. I find my coffee to be putrid. I turn it into iced coffee at work. I can tolerate the vile tasting stuff when it's iced. I visited the Front Porch. I can say that OBACE agrees with the Wee-Gee's weather assessment. I found the current '56°' to be quite wonderful. I didn't notice a breeze. I absolutely agree with the 'calm winds' assessment. I am not equipped to gauge the '84% humidity'. I only know if it's 'dry cracked skin' humid or 'sweating bullets' humid. I saw that we are indeed enjoying 'fair skies'. I also saw that it's getting darker and darker in the morning. I don't think a WIP will be easy to take here shortly. I did take a WIP this morning. I noticed the auto-flash engaged. I was forced to turn off the flash to take a proper picture. I didn't get a proper picture even with the flash turned off. I got a delayed shutter speed instead. I immediately noticed the WIP appears to be brighter than it really was.
I had two visitors. I managed a picture of one of them. I love the red squirrels. I have enjoyed their morning bickering for 5 days in a row now. I think the dispute is over territory. I also think they are of equal status in the hierarchy of red squirrels. I haven't been able to ascertain which is the defender. I've yet to see either one give way to the other.
 I found an unexpected picture that Camera took without my permission. I am beginning to look forward to Cameras abstract pictures.
 I managed to catch a leaf in mid fall. 
I agree it's not a great picture. I had no time to think. I just raised Camera and snapped. I was lucky. I guess Camera was a bit more prepared than usual. I should have used this pic as the WIP. I think it displays the lack of morning light far better than my standard WIP pic this morning. I wish I could take pictures that weren't blurry.
I am happy to say I am done now. I had to think too much. I tried to begin every sentence with I. I noticed the trend after five sentences. I thought "Why not?" I won't be doing it again. I now have a headache. I need aspirin.
I wish for you a grand day, Travelers. I hope it is filled with Love and Happiness.
I am done now!

Friday, September 22, 2017

In Reverse And Knee Socks

I'm doing this in reverse. The Front Porch Report, that is. Backwards. Too dark to take pictures so here I am. But there is a HUGE problem with reverse. I got nuttin' for ya. Other than the "I love you" that's always buried in this report, without the sensory input from the actual Front Porch visit, I got nuttin'. 
Well, there was a spider on my ceiling. He is directly responsible for my "Humphf" mood this morning.
 One of those black ones with the shorter legs. About the size of a dime. In the case of spiders, size don't matter at all with regards to jump-starting the heart. However, the fact that it was positioned above the head of my bed proved to be exactly what was needed to increase the voltage.

Phone can present the current weather recipe as recorded by the Weather Guessers. Apparently, it is 55° right now, with the humidity at 74%, winds that are of the 3 mph 'vrbl' variety and skies that are fair. Obace should be able to go see for herself here in a minute. And hopefully enjoy a brief FPR photo shoot. Did I make my lunch? Yes, yes I did. Time to start the engines in OBACE, 
the Organic Bipedal Anthropomorphic Climate Evaluator 
and steer it out to the Porch. We'll be back. 
A WIP, Weather Illustration Picture, for you.
Alrighty then, OBACE is in agreement with the Wee-Gee's assessment of the current weather conditions. EXCEPT for the wind. We have wind chimes chiming. More often than not the chimes only sound when the winds are at approximately 7 mph. The general consensus is that the side of the house and the trees surrounding the chimes protect them from gentler breezes. Couple that with a chill in the air, specifically, a wind chill, that made a 55 degree temperature threaten to bring on a case of horripilation, leads OBACE to believe that the Wee-Gee's have once again proven their ineptitude. We have greater than 3 mph winds going on out there.
No visitors to the Front Porch, however the lady across the street had someone show up to her porch. Please forgive the blur in ALL pictures. Wrong setting, (landscape instead of stop action) and the subject was moving rather fast.
Pretty fella. I'm thinkin' it's a fella cus he moseyed around to the side of her house where he commenced with the marking of his territory.
He wears his socks like Noche. Ankle socks in front and knee socks in back.
Have a great day today, Travelers, and since Autumn is officially here, I hope it proves to be a grand and glorious one for you.
Love and Happiness to you, ALWAYS!!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Why Do I Bother

I play too long!
I got no time!
So I must hurry
This blog of mine.

No visits today.
No good pics.
But, like other posts,
I gotta WIP!
No big deal.
Why do I bother?
One simple reason
There is no other.

Because I love you.
So I must say it.
Just in case
Someday you'll read it!!
And I'm off.
63°, 78% humidity, 6 mph winds and fair skies.
Now I'm off to work.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Noisy But Unseen

Stepping out the door as I was leaving for work yesterday, this little fella let me take his picture.


Anyway, this morning, no visitors but for 2 VERY noisy chipmunks dashing thru the tree tops, and a VERY noisy Blue Jay, heard but never seen, vocalizing from the trees around us. No chance for a photo. Of either. Too dark anyway. The weather is warm. 68° warm. A 5 mph breeze is making it feel oh so good on the Front Porch. 93% humidity and overcast skies round out the morning's weather breakfast. Yum. No time to play this morning.
Have a great day, a grand evening and a glorious night, Travelers.
And, as always, may Love and Happiness be yours.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Fungus Time And Acronicta Americana

Blasted Mosquitoes!
We're not going there again but,
They bring out the red!
61°. 61 delicious degrees, that deserved more admiration if the BLASTED MOSQUITOES left me alone! Don't wanna go there again...
No visitors that I could see, BUT!, I am quite sure there was an owl in the trees across the street and I could smell a skunk nearby. In this case, a real skunk, not the neighborhood smokers. Two beautiful Blue Jays flew overhead and there were many Crows in the distance. A beautiful morning if it weren't for the mos... not going there. The humidity is hovering at 100%, the breeze is clocking in at 3 mph and... *heavy sigh*... Fog/Mist. I'm sure it's Fog/Mist somewhere nearby, so I won't sling disparaging epithets. The skies look overcast. Could be a high flying fog. To dark to really tell. 
As S reminded me, it fungus time!

All of the above fungi were found just steps away from the Front Porch.
I went out again to take a couple of the above fungi pictures and found a visitor!

Don't know what this hairy little guy is, well, other than a caterpillar and future bird food, but he was agreeable to having his picture taken.
I gotta go!
Have a GREAT GRAND and GLORIOUS day Travelers!!
Aren't those the best days to have!?!
Update: Google comes thru again.
Acronicta Americana, aka, the American Dagger Moth. In the caterpillar stage those hairs can cause skin irritations. So glad I didn't touch him.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Wayward Leaf

Would ya look at that?! A call to nature cut my Front Porch visit short and upon retreating from the facilities I noticed there was a trail of leaves behind me. Best check the stairs and landing for more wayward leaves.
I'm not done visiting yet. Me and my tea are headed out to say hello to the Porch again.
We'll be back
Talk about wayward leaves. This one somehow managed to sneak into my slipper, WHILE I was wearing it! I thought a bug had me. No, that's not true. I thought a spider had me. Actually, that's only half true. Until all potential arachnid threats upon my body are positively identified as a gnat, a mosquito, a tiny scrap of paper, one of my own recently shed hairs, or, as in this case, a leaf, all threats are treated as BLACK WIDOW SPIDERS. My reaction is ALWAYS violent and good luck to anything in my path. Camera and Phone appear to be unscathed. They were unceremoniously abandoned in my flight for life. Thankfully they both hit carpet and not the porch, walkway, stairs or bare floor. My heart is slowly returning to a normal rhythm, as my brain tries to work out the mechanics behind the stowaway leaf. How? How does a leaf work it's way into a slipper without the slipper wearer realizing it? Tis a mystery. But only for the moment. However it is no mystery that I need a pedicure... and a new pair of slippers. I've been saying that for at least two years. But, tattered as they are, they're my buddies! And they still function very well. It would be a waste to trade them in for a newer model. I ain't doin' it! :)
The weather. Phone is showing me that the current conditions are 62°, with 96% humidity, calm winds and Fog/Mist. Yep. The mist is so heavy, all you have to do is stand outside for a few minutes to get damp from head to toe. For the safety of Phone and Camera, our second Front Porch visit was as brief as the first. But I managed to take a WIP-
And a blurry picture or four of one of our many visitors-
He/she is very hard to see in these pictures.
In the above pic, the little thing is hanging upside down, right-side middle.
In the pic below, showing off his/her undercarriage, again right-side middle.
He/she is also very hard to identify.
Right-side middle again, in the above pic, showing the backside
And finally, in the pic below, a profile, left side middle.
He/she moved constantly.
Making a clear picture impossible for an amateur photographer. 
Didn't make trying any less fun tho!
My guess, Chickadees. I saw, but never got a photograph of, the little black heads.
Have a great today, my Fellow Travelers. I'm sure gonna try. No matter the mood, the weather, the agenda, there is a great day somewhere inside this day. And I plan to find it.
May Love and Happiness be yours!!
With the wonderful help from a brilliant amateur ornithologist, (Thank you S!) the lovely bird in the photo's is a... oh, hang on... I forgot already... Black Throated Green Warbler. I'm having a teeny issue with the "Green" part of that name. That might explain the quick onset memory loss. But who am I to question the name given. If I discovered a species of, well, anything, I believe it is still the discoverers right to name it and I could stick it with any moniker I like.
Thanks again, S. You rock!